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Project Methods

The Project type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddEmptyMetaAndMappingDataStore(String)
Adds a new empty meta data and mapping data store for the database of which the driverid is passed in.
Public methodAddEmptyMetaAndMappingDataStore(DBDriverBase)
Adds a new empty meta data and mapping data store for the database of which the driver is passed in.
Public methodAddEntitiesToModelView
Adds the entities to model view.
Public methodAddMappingData
Adds a new database mapping data store to the mappingstore for the driver specified
Public methodAddMetaData
Adds a new database meta data store for the driver specified in the meta-data store
Public methodAddNewCustomTypeShortcut
Adds the new custom type shortcut.
Public methodAddNewDocumentsDerivedFromEntitiesToDerivedModel
Adds for each entity in the set specified a new root document to a new or existing derived model definition with the name specified. If no derived model exists with the name specified, it's created.
Public methodAddNewEntity(NewElementSpecifics)
Adds a new entitydefinition to the project. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodAddNewEntity(String, String)
Adds a new entitydefinition to the project. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodAddNewEntityToModel
Adds the passed in entitydefinition to the model in the project.
Public methodAddNewTypedList
Adds a new TypedListDefinition to the project. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodAddNewValueType
Adds a new ValueTypeDefinition to the project. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodAddRelationship
Adds the relationship passed in
Public methodAutoCreateMissingForeignKeyFields
Auto-creates for each relationship where the foreign key field(s) are missing and set to 'auto-create' the foreign key fields.
Public methodAutoMapEntityOnNewOrExistingTargetInDatabase
Auto maps the entity specified onto either a matching existing target or a new target (if no existing target exists and existingTargetsOnly is set to false)
Public methodAutoMapFieldToNewTarget
Auto-maps the field specified in the mapping to a new database field.
Public methodAutoMapUnmappedEntitiesToTargets(IEnumerable<EntityDefinition>)
Will auto-map all specified entities to existing or new targets if they're not mapped currently to a target in a given database.
Public methodAutoMapUnmappedEntitiesToTargets(IEnumerable<EntityDefinition>, String, Boolean)
Will auto-map all specified entities to existing or new targets if they're not mapped currently to a target in a given database.
Public methodAutoMapUnmappedEntityFieldsToTargets
Auto-maps all unmapped entity fields in the entities specified to new targets. If the entity itself isn't mapped, the entity is skipped.
Public methodAutoMapUnmappedFieldsInElementMapping
Auto-maps all un-mapped fields in the entitymapping specified to new fields in the specified target.
Public methodCheckIfAllMetaDataIsNew
Checks if all meta data for the database with the ID specified is new.
Public methodCheckIfDDLSQLExportActionIsRequired()
Checks if a DDL SQL export action is required for the meta-data of any of the databases in this project.
Public methodCheckIfDDLSQLExportActionIsRequired(String)
Checks if a DDL SQL export action is required for the meta-data of the database associated with the driverid specified.
Public methodCleanUpOrphanedInheritanceBasedForfs
Cleans the up orphaned inheritance based forfs, which will be orphaned due to the removal of the edge passed in.
Public methodConstructTargetPerEntityHierarchiesForEntities
Constructs the target per entity hierarchies for entities.
Public methodCreateAndSetNewGroupableModelElementMappingTarget
Creates a new target from the name fragments specified and sets it as the target of the mapping specified. The target is created in the database related to the driverid in the specified mapping. It creates a new catalog and schema if required and if possible.
Public methodCreateConnectionStringForDatabase
Creates the connection string for the database of the driverid specified. Uses the loaded driver for producing this connection string.
Public methodCreateConnectionStringKeyNameForDatabase
Creates the connection string key name for the database of the driverid specified. Uses the ConnectionStringKeyNamePattern value in the project properties.
Public methodCreateNewDerivedModelDefinition
Creates the new derived model definition and adds it to this project.
Public methodCreateNewEntityDefinition
Creates a new entitydefinition. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodCreateNewEntityDefinitionsFromRawDefinitions
Creates new entity definitions from the raw entity definitions specified, and adds them to the project. The list of newly created entities is returned to the caller.
Public methodCreateNewModelView
Creates the new model view.
Public methodCreateNewSequence
Creates a new sequence in the metadata store for the driver with id specified. If catalog and/or schema aren't available, these are created as well.
Public methodCreateNewSPCallDefinition
Creates a new SP call definition. it assumes the names passed in are valid
Public methodCreateNewSPCallDefinitionsFromRawDefinitions
Creates new SP call definitions from the raw definitions passed in and adds them to the project. The list of newly created spcall definitions is returned to the caller.
Public methodCreateNewTvfCallDefinition
Creates the new TVF call definition. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodCreateNewTvfCallDefinitionsFromRawDefinitions
Creates the new TVF call definitions from raw definitions passed in and adds them to the project. The list of newly created spcall definitions is returned to the caller.
Public methodCreateNewTypedViewDefinition
Creates a new TypedViewDefinition. It assumes the names passed in are valid.
Public methodCreateNewTypedViewDefinitionsFromRawDefinitions
Creates new typedview definitions from the raw typedview definitions specified, and adds them to the project. The list of newly created typedviews is returned to the caller.
Public methodCreateRawElementDefinitionsFromTargets
Creates the raw element definitions from the targets specified. Will precheck any element which doesn't have a model element mapped on it.
Public methodDeserializeFromFile
Deserializes the data for this class from the file with the filename specified.
Public methodDestroyHierarchies
Destroys the hierarchies.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExcludeDatabaseMetaDataStore
Excludes the database meta data store.
Public methodExcludeElementFromProject
Excludes the meta data element from project. This effectively means that it's been removed from it's parent container and marked as removed.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindEntityBaseElement
Finds the entity base element with the name specified. Names are considered case insensitive
Public methodFindGroupableModelElement
Finds the groupable model element with the name specified. Names are considered case insensitive. Searches entities, valuetypes and typedviews
Public methodGetAdditionalInterfaces
Gets the additional interfaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default interfaces are prefiltered with the ignored interfaces defined in this element. All interface macros are replaced with real names.
Public methodGetAdditionalNamespaces
Gets the additional namespaces, if applicable, for this element, where the default namespaces are prefiltered with the ignored namespaces defined in this element. All namespace macros are replaced with real names.
Public methodGetAllAddableEntitiesForTypedList
Gets all addable entities which are addable to the typed list specified
Public methodGetAllChangedElementsFromMetaData
Gets all changed elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from the meta data of the database with the driverid specified.
Public methodGetAllCodeGenerationTasksForOutputType
Gets all the code generation tasks for the output type specified. It will use clones of the cycle preferences.
Public methodGetAllConstraintsToDropForUpdateFromMetaData
Gets all constraints of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from the meta data of the database which affect a changed element. Used for update DDL SQL scripts to be able to drop constraints before DDL SQL statements are executed. If typeofElementsToRetrieve isn't a constraint type, an empty set is returned.
Public methodGetAllCoreTypesOfAllTypeConvertersAndImportedTypes
Gets all core types of all type converters with additionally all imported types imported from typeimports files.
Public methodGetAllDirectlyRelatedEntitiesOfEntity
Gets all directly related entities of the entity specified. Entities over inherited relationships as well as subtypes of directly related entities are not included.
Public methodGetAllDirectSubtypesForEntity
Gets all direct subtypes for entity.
Public methodGetAllDriverIDsOfDatabasesWithMetaDataInProject
Gets all the driverIDs which have meta-data stored in the project.
Public methodGetAllElementNamesFromMetaData
Gets the element names from the metadata in this project of the database with the driverid specified.
Public methodGetAllElementsMarkedForDeletionFromMetaData
Gets all elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from the meta data of the database with the driverid specified which are marked for deletion
Public methodGetAllEntities
Gets all the entity definitions in flat enumerable
Public methodGetAllEntitiesByGroupName
Gets all entities, grouped by the group they're in
Public methodGetAllEntitiesOnPathToHierarchyRoot
Gets all entities on the path from the subtype to the hierarchy root.
Public methodGetAllEntitiesWithTheirMappingsForDatabase
Gets all entities with their mappings for database.
Public methodGetAllFieldsForGroupableModelElement
Gets all fields, inherited and defined for groupable element specified. First all fields inherited are returned, then the fields of the element itself. ValueTypeDefinitions can't inherit from other types, they return only the fields of themselves.
Public methodGetAllForeignKeyConstraintsTargetedByModelRelationships
Gets all foreign key constraints targeted by a model relationship (normal relationship or inheritanceedge) in the meta-data for the driver with id specified.
Public methodGetAllGroupNames
Gets all group names from the elements in this project (entity types and value types)
Public methodGetAllInheritedRelationshipsForEntityGroupedBySuperType
Gets all inherited relationships for entity, grouped by supertype
Public methodGetAllMappableTargetFields(GroupableModelElementMapping, IProjectElementMapTargetElement)
Gets all mappable target fields. Normally this is the set of fields in the target specified, however if the mapped element in mapping is an entity in a hierarchy of TargetPerEntityHierarchy, fields which are already mapped in supertypes or subtypes are filtered out.
Public methodGetAllMappableTargetFields(GroupableModelElementMapping, IProjectElementMapTargetElement, Boolean)
Gets all mappable target fields. Normally this is the set of fields in the target specified, however if the mapped element in mapping is an entity in a hierarchy of TargetPerEntityHierarchy, fields which are already mapped in supertypes or subtypes are filtered out.
Public methodGetAllMappedEntitiesPerTarget
Gets all mapped entities per target, stored in a dictionary, with the target as key, for the database type related to the driver specified.
Public methodGetAllMappedSPCallsPerTarget
Gets all mapped spcalls per target, stored in a dictionary with the target as the key, for the database type related tot the driver specified.
Public methodGetAllMappedTargets
Gets all targets which are mapped in the databasemappingstore for the driverid specified
Public methodGetAllMappedTvfCallsPerTarget
Gets all mapped tvfcalls per target, stored in a dictionary with the target as the key, for the database type related tot the driver specified.
Public methodGetAllMappedTypedViewsPerTarget
Gets all mapped typed views per target, stored in a dictionary with the target as the key, for the database type related tot the driver specified.
Public methodGetAllMappingsForGroupableModelElement
Gets all mappings for the groupable model element specified
Public methodGetAllNamesInUseByOwnedElementsInCompleteHierarchy
Gets all names in use by owned elements of the element specified (names in use by fields, fk fields, navigators, etc.) in the complete hierarchy the element is in (if applicable). Can contain duplicates as it doesn't do any filtering.
Public methodGetAllNewElementsFromMetaData
Gets all new elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from the meta data of the database with the driverid specified.
Public methodGetAllNormalRelationships
Gets all normal relationships available in the entity model.
Public methodGetAllPopulatedCatalogsFromMetaData
Gets all populated catalogs from the meta data of the database with the driverid specified
Public methodGetAllRelatedEntitiesWithRelationshipOfEntity
Gets all related entities of the entity specified (with the relationship(s) over which they're related), including related entities over inherited relationships.
Public methodGetAllRelatedFieldElementsForEntity(EntityDefinition)
Gets all RelatedFieldElements for entity. A RelatedFieldElement is an element which represents a related field over an 1:1 / m:1 relationship. The field can be an inherited field.
Public methodGetAllRelatedFieldElementsForEntity(EntityDefinition, Boolean)
Gets all RelatedFieldElements for entity. A RelatedFieldElement is an element which represents a related field over an 1:1 / m:1 relationship. The field can be an inherited field.
Public methodGetAllRelationshipBasedUniqueConstraintsForEntity
Gets all relationship based unique constraints for the entity specified. Relationship based unique constraints are unique constraints which are not defined in the model itself but are present for 1:1 FK/UC-PK relationships where the entity specified is at the FK side. Only direct relationships are considered, not inherited relationships.
Public methodGetAllRelationshipsForEntity
Gets all relationships for the entity specified.
Public methodGetAllRelationshipsOfSpecificTypesForEntity
Gets all relationships of the specified types for entity.
Public methodGetAllRenamedElementsFromMetaData
Gets all renamed elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from the meta data of the database with the driverid specified.
Public methodGetAllSPCallsByGroupName
Gets all spcall definitions, grouped by the group they're in.
Public methodGetAllSPCallsWithTheirMappingsForDatabase
Gets all SP calls with their mappings for database.
Public methodGetAllSplitOffEntities
Gets all split entities, per target. A split entity is really a group of entities which are mapped onto the same target and which all have 1:1 pk-pk relationships with one entity in their group. If A, B, C and D are mapped onto the same target T and B and D have a 1:1 pk-pk relationship towards A (pkside), and C does not, it means that B and D are 'split off' of A. C is not part of the split and is ignored. Returned is then A with its split off companions B and D. A is then returned as key with values B and D.
Public methodGetAllSubtypesForEntity
Gets all subtypes (direct and indirect) for entity.
Public methodGetAllSupertypeCandidates(EntityDefinition)
Gets all supertype candidates for the subtype passed in.
Public methodGetAllSupertypeCandidates(IEnumerable<EntityDefinition>)
Gets all supertype candidates to which all entities in subtypes can be made a subtype of.
Public methodGetAllSuperTypesForEntities
Gets all distinct super types for the entities specified
Public methodGetAllSyncTasksForSyncProcess
Gets all synch tasks for synchronization process, for all databases in the project. It produces both SyncWithDatabaseTask elements and SyncWithModelTask elements.
Public methodGetAllTargetFieldsMappedBySuperTypesSubTypes(EntityDefinition, String)
Gets all target fields which are mapped by super types or sub types in the same sub-hierarchy, if the entity is in a TPEH hierarchy. Returns an empty enumerable if entity isn't in a TPEH hierarchy.
Public methodGetAllTargetFieldsMappedBySuperTypesSubTypes(EntityDefinition, String, Boolean)
Gets all target fields which are mapped by super types or sub types in the same sub-hierarchy, if the entity is in a TPEH hierarchy. Returns an empty enumerable if entity isn't in a TPEH hierarchy.
Public methodGetAllTvfCallsByGroupName
Gets all TvfCall definitions, grouped by the group they're in.
Public methodGetAllTvfCallsWithTheirMappingsForDatabase
Gets all TVF calls with their mappings for database.
Public methodGetAllTypeConversionDefinitionsForDatabase
Gets all type conversion definitions for the database with the driver specified
Public methodGetAllTypedListsByGroupName
Gets all typedlists, grouped by the group they're in
Public methodGetAllTypedViewsByGroupName
Gets all typedview definitions, grouped by the group they're in
Public methodGetAllTypedViewsWithTheirMappingsForDatabase
Gets all typed views with their mappings for database.
Public methodGetAllTypeShortcutsByType
Gets a Dictionary of typeshortcuts stored by the type they represent
Public methodGetAllUDTCLRTypesFromMetaData
Gets all UDT CLR types from meta data.
Public methodGetAllUniqueGroupableModelElementNames
Gets all unique names of the groupable model elements currently in the project. The names returned are the names of the elements without the group names if the GroupUsage setting of the project is set to 'VisualGroupingMechanism'. If the GroupUsageSetting is set to 'AsSeparateProjects', the names contain the groupnames as well.
Public methodGetAllUnmappedTargetFieldsForGroupableModelElementMapping
Determines the unmapped target fields of the target of the mapping specified, taking into account other elements mapped onto the same target in a hierarchy.
Public methodGetAllUsableDotNetTypesForProjectElements
Gets all the usable .net types for project elements like fields
Public methodGetAllValueTypesByGroupName
Gets all value type definitions, grouped by the group they're in.
Public methodGetAttributes
Gets the attributes, if applicable, for this element, where the default attributes are prefiltered with the ignored attributes defined in this element. All name macros and $length/$precision/$scale macros are replaced with real values. (if applicable)
Public methodGetConnectionElements
Gets the cached connection elements for connecting to the database with the driverid specified.
Public methodGetCustomTypeShortcutClones
Gets a list of clones of every custom type shortcut.
Public methodGetDefaultsForTargetElementType
Gets the defaults for attributes/additional interfaces/namespaces for the targetelement specified, or null if not found
Public methodGetEntityModelDefaultsPerTargetElementTypeClone
Gets the defaults per target element type store as a clone for editing with cancel option.
Public methodGetFieldTypeInstance
Gets the field type instance based on the fieldtype as string passed in. This routine checks whether the passed in string is a grouped element reference If not, it tries to check whether the string is a type shortcut. if not, it returns null, otherwise it will return the element represented.
Public methodGetGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElement, String)
Gets the groupable model element mapping.
Public methodGetGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElement, String, Boolean)
Gets the groupable model element mapping.
Public methodGetGroupableModelSubElementMapping
Gets the groupable model sub element mapping, which is the mapping of the subElement specified for the driver specified.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHierarchyRootForEntity
Gets the hierarchy root for entity specified if entity is in an inheritance hierarchy, null otherwise. If the entity specified is the hierarchy root entity is returned
Public methodGetLastUsedCodeGenerationCyclePreferencesForOutput
Gets the last used code generation cycle preferences for the output type specified, or a new one (which is added to the internal list)
Public methodGetNumberOfCatalogsInMetaDataForDatabase
Gets the number of catalogs in meta data for database.
Public methodGetOrCreateGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElement, IProjectElementMapTargetElement, Boolean)
Gets or creates the GroupableModelElement mapping for the element to map, for the database type related to the driver specified.
Public methodGetOrCreateGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElement, String, Boolean)
Gets or creates the GroupableModelElement mapping for the GroupableModelElement to map, for the database type related to the driver specified.
Public methodGetOutputSettingValuesFilteredForTargetElementType
Gets the output setting values for the target element type specified, including the default values inherited from the project, filtered with the ignored values.
Public methodGetRealBoolSettingValue
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as bool
Public methodGetRealIntSettingValue
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as int
Public methodGetRealSettingValue
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified
Public methodGetRealStringSettingValue
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as string
Public methodGetRealStringSettingValueWithMacrosResolved
Gets the real setting value of the setting with the name specified as string. Also resolves any macros defined in the value (if any) to real values.
Public methodGetSubHierarchyForEntity
Gets the sub hierarchy for the entity specified
Public methodGetSubHierarchyRootForEntity
Gets the sub hierarchy root for the sub hierarchy the entity specified is located in.
Public methodGetSubtypesForEntity
Gets all the direct subtypes for the entity specified.
Public methodGetSupertypeForEntity
Gets the supertype for entity, if the entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodGetSupportedActionCombinationsOfTargetFramework
Gets the supported action combinations by the current target framework. Obtained from the hidden setting SupportedActionCombinations.
Public methodGetSystemTypeConverters
Gets the system type converters as supported by the current target framework.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTypeConverterDefinition
Gets the type converter definition with the name, either from the project specific type converters list or from the designer type converters
Public methodGetTypeConvertersUsingTypeFilter
Gets the type converters using a type filter. It returns all type converters which are found in the system folder combined with the type converters found in the additional type converter folder and which have coreType as the core type (the type of object returned from CreateInstance) and if fromType is specified, it is used to limit the list of type converters to return by filtering on the fact that they can convert from this type. If a type converter is 'design only' (so a system type converter) and not supported by the target framework, it's filtered out and not returned.
Public methodImportData
Imports the data in dataToImport into this project. The dataToImport is produced by the importer used from the rawElements.
Public methodIsHierarchyRoot
Determines whether the passed in entity is a hierarchy root for an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodIsInInheritanceHierarchy
Determines whether the passed in entity is part of an inheritance hierarchy or not
Public methodIsNameInUseInGroup
Determines whether the specified nameToCheck is already present in the group groupName. The nameToCheck and group name are checked case insenstive.
Public methodIsSubType
Determines whether the entity passed in is a subtype.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(String)
Loads a project with the data in the file with the specified filename.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(String, String)
Loads a project with the data in the file with the specified filename.
Public methodMakeEntitiesAbstract
Makes the entities in the enumerable passed in abstract / not abstract
Public methodMakeEntitiesSubtypeOf
Makes the entities in the enumerable passed in a subtype of the supertype specified. The hierarchy type specified should be used as the hierarchy type for the subtype and if the supertype isn't in an inheritance hierarchy, also for the supertype.
Public methodMakeFolderAbsolute
Routine which will produce a full, absolute folder (e.g. c:\foo\bar), from the folder specified. If the folder specified is a full folder (i.e. doesn't start with .\ or ..\ or is equal to '.'), the folder is simply returned as result. If the folder is a relative folder, it is seen as relative folder from the location of this project, so it's appended to the ProjectLocationPathFilename's path.
Public methodMakeRelationshipsModelOnly
Makes the relationships in the enumerable passed on model only.
Public methodManageTypeShortcuts
Manages the type shortcuts by updating the list of type shortcuts with the set passed in.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMoveElementsToGroup
Moves the elements to the group specified.
Public methodMoveFieldsToSuperSubType
Moves the fields specified to destination from source, if destination and source are in the same inheritance hierarchy
Public methodPasteData
Pastes the data in dataToImport into this project. The dataToImport is produced by a copy action to the clipboard and is obtained from the clipboard
Public methodPerformMetaDataAdjustment
Performs the meta data adjustment.
Public methodPerformPostDDLSQLExportActions
Performs the post DDLSQL export actions, which means that all change trackers are reset, all elements marked for deletion are removed and all elements which are marked as created by designer have their flag reset.
Public methodRefreshMetaData
Refreshes the meta data of database with driver specified with the catalogs specified.
Public methodRemoveDerivedModel
Removes the derived model specified from this project.
Public methodRemoveEntitiesFromModelView
Removes the entities from model view.
Public methodRemoveEntityDefinition
Removes the entity definition.
Public methodRemoveFieldElementsBasedOnFieldType
Removes the fieldelements based on the passed in fieldtype
Public methodRemoveModelView
Removes the model view.
Public methodRemoveRelationship
Removes the relationship.
Public methodRemoveRootDocument
Removes the root document specified from this project.
Public methodRemoveSPCallDefinition
Removes the SP call definition.
Public methodRemoveTvfCallDefinition
Removes the TVF call definition.
Public methodRemoveTypedListDefinition
Removes the typed list definition.
Public methodRemoveTypedViewDefinition
Removes the typed view definition.
Public methodRemoveValueTypeDefinition
Removes the value type definition.
Public methodRenameCatalog
Renames the catalog.
Public methodRenameGroup
Renames the group.
Public methodRenameSchema
Renames the schema.
Public methodRenameSequence
Renames the sequence.
Public methodRenameTable
Renames the table.
Public methodRenameTableField
Renames the table field.
Public methodReplaceRelationship
Replaces the relationship passed in
Public methodResetSortOrderPerDBTypeListsForLoadedDrivers
Resets the sort order per DB type lists for loaded drivers. Called when involved properties changed in an outside editor
Public methodSave()
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(Boolean)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(EncodingType)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(Boolean, EncodingType)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(Func<String, String, DialogResult>, Action<String, String>, EncodingType)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(Boolean, Func<String, String, DialogResult>, Action<String, String>, EncodingType)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSave(Boolean, Func<String, String, DialogResult>, Action<String, String>, EncodingType, String)
Saves this project to Xml, to the file stored inside this project's properties.
Public methodSaveAndCreateBackup(String)
Saves the current project and creates a backup of this project too. The backup will be placed in the same folder the project is saved in.
Public methodSaveAndCreateBackup(String, String)
Saves the current project and creates a backup of this project too.
Public methodSerializeToWriter
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
Public methodSetDefaultsPerTargetElementType
Sets the type of the defaults per target element.
Public methodSetNewOutputSettingValuesContainer
Sets the new output setting values container in this frameworkholder.
Public methodSetSuperTypeForEntity
Sets the super type for entity. To remove an entity as subtype altogether, pass null for newSuperType. If the entity already has a supertype set, it's first removed as a subtype from that entity. If the subType entity has subtypes and newSuperType is null, subType becomes the new root for these subtypes, so it forms a new hierarchy.
Public methodSetTargetFramework
Sets the target framework for this project
Public methodToggleIsAbstractFlag
Toggles the IsAbstract flag on the entity passed in, if the entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateCodeGenerationCyclePreferences
Updates the code generation cycle preferences stored in this instance with the one specified.
Public methodUpdateEditedTypeConversionDefinitions
Updates the edited type conversion definitions.
Public methodValidate
Validates the project. It will ask all contained elements if they're valid, which will cause errors/warnings to be reported along the way.
Public methodValidateDerivedModels
Validates the derived models, using built-in validation and external validators.
Public methodValidateEntityModelFramework
Validates the entity model using the target framework's validator.
Public methodValidateMappings
Validates the mappings of elements in the project.
Public methodValidateModelElements
Validates the model elements present in the project. This method doesn't perform any bookkeeping of collected errors nor signal any events validation has started.
Public methodValidateNewDerivedModelName(String, String, String)
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new derived model. Will check for duplicates.
Public methodValidateNewDerivedModelName(String, Boolean, String, String)
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new derived model.
Public methodValidateNewEntityModelElementName(String, String, String, String)
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new element in the entity model.
Public methodValidateNewEntityModelElementName(String, String, Boolean, String, String)
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new element in the entity model.
Public methodValidateNewModelViewName
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new model view
Public methodValidateNewRootDocumentName
Validates whether the name specified is a valid name for a new derived element in the derived model specified
See Also