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AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethodsGetScalarAsync Method
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Public methodStatic memberGetScalarAsyncTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery)
Async variant of GetScalarTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery). Fetches a scalar value using the query specified, and returns this value typed as TValue, using a cast. The query specified will be converted to a scalar query prior to execution.
Public methodStatic memberGetScalarAsyncTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery, ITransaction)
Async variant of GetScalarTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery, ITransaction). Fetches a scalar value using the query specified, and returns this value typed as TValue, using a cast. The query specified will be converted to a scalar query prior to execution.
Public methodStatic memberGetScalarAsyncTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery, CancellationToken)
Async variant of GetScalarTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery). Fetches a scalar value using the query specified, and returns this value typed as TValue, using a cast. The query specified will be converted to a scalar query prior to execution.
Public methodStatic memberGetScalarAsyncTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery, ITransaction, CancellationToken)
Async variant of GetScalarTValue(IDao, DynamicQuery, ITransaction). Fetches a scalar value using the query specified, and returns this value typed as TValue, using a cast. The query specified will be converted to a scalar query prior to execution.
See Also