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LLBLGenProExpressionType Enumeration
Expression type enum which is used

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LinqSupportClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (
public enum LLBLGenProExpressionType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown500 Unknown expression. Don't use. Is for start of our own enums
Aggregate501 The expression object represents a method call to an aggregate function.
All502 The expression object represents a method call to All(), which is represented by an AllAnyExpression.
Any503 The expression object represents a method call to Any(), which is represented by an AllAnyExpression.
Contains504 The expression object represents a method call to Queryable.Contains() or IEntityCollection(2).Contains, which is represented by a ContainsExpression.
DbFunctionCall505 The expression object is a DbFunctionCallExpression.
DefaultIfEmpty506 The expression object represents a method call to DefaultIfEmpty on the element represented by the contained expression.
Entity507 The expression object is an EntityExpression
EntityField508 The expression object is an EntityFieldExpression.
Except509 The expression object is an ExceptIntersectExpression, which represents a call to Queryable.Except
ExcludeIncludeFields510 The expression object is an ExcludeIncludeFieldsExpression, which represents an excludeincludefields list.
Filter511 The expression object is a FilterExpression, which is an expression which can contain a LLBLGen Pro Predicate or PredicateExpression and a RelationCollection (optionally)
GroupBy512 The expression object is a GroupByExpression.
GroupByKeyReference513 The expression object is a GroupByKeyReferenceExpression, which is a simple reference to the Key of a groupby expression.
GroupJoin514 The expression object is a GroupJoinExpression, which is an expression is represents a GroupJoin method call.
InClause515 The expression object is an InClauseExpression, which is an expression which represents a call to Contains() on a list of values.
InMemoryEvalCandidate516 The expression object is an InMemoryEvalCandidateExpression, which is an expression which has to be evaluated in-memory and shouldn't be used for SQL.
Intersect517 The expression object is an ExceptIntersectExpression, which represents a call to Queryable.Intersect
Join518 The expression object is a JoinExpression, a join between two SetExpressions.
JoinResult519 The expression object is a JoinResultExpression, the result of a join. This expression is living only temporary in the tree.
Like520 The expression object is a LikeExpression, which is an expression which will result in a LIKE operation on a string typed source and a constant string operand
LLBLGenExpression521 The expression object is an LLBLGenExpressionExpression, which is an LLBLGen Pro expression (between fields and values and other llblgen pro expressions).
LinqExpressionAsSet522 The expression object is a LinqExpressionAsSetExpression, which is a LinqExpression threated as a set.
PathEdge523 The expression object is a PathEdgeExpression.
PrefetchPath524 The expression object is a PrefetchPathExpression, which is the root definition of a prefetch path.
Projection525 The expression object is a ProjectionExpression, which defines a projection of a source to a destination.
ProjectionList526 The expression object is a ProjectionListExpression, which is a temp result for storing projection elements for a projection expression
Query527 The expression object is a QueryExpression, which is used to wrap up the final tree in executable form.
RelationCollection528 The expression object is a RelationCollectionExpression, which is an expression containing one or more relations, for a join.
Select529 The expression object is a SelectExpression, which is an expression used to define a source with projection.
Set530 The expression object is a SetExpression
SetReference531 The expression object is a SetReferenceExpression
SortClause532 The expression object is a SortClauseExpression which represents an LLBLGen Pro SortClause object.
Where533 The expression object is a WhereExpression
TypedView534 The expression object is a TypedViewExpression
See Also