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WarningMessage Properties

The WarningMessage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCorrections
Gets the list of corrections for this message
(Inherited from CorrectableMessage.)
Public propertyCorrectionsAreChoices
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contained corrections are choices (true), instead of steps (false). Choices are corrections which can have a correction func while steps ( CorrectionsAreChoices is set to false). If CorrectionsAreChoices is set to false, the message can still have corrections with their GoLocationFunc set to a value.
(Inherited from CorrectableMessage.)
Public propertyCreatedOn
Gets the creation date/time
(Inherited from Message.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the identifier.
Public propertyIsIgnored
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this correctable message is ignored. Default false.
(Inherited from CorrectableMessage.)
Public propertyMessageText
Gets the message text
(Overrides Message.MessageText.)
Public propertySource
Gets the source of the message
(Inherited from Message.)
Public propertyTagCount
Gets the tag count.
(Inherited from Message.)
Public propertyTypeOfMessage
Gets the type of the message.
(Inherited from Message.)
Public propertyTypeOfMessageAsInt
Gets the integer value of TypeOfMessage. For databinding.
(Inherited from Message.)
See Also