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MapperCoreSetExistingTargetOnGroupableModelElementMapping Method
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Public methodStatic memberSetExistingTargetOnGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElementMapping, IProjectElementMapTargetElement, Project)
Sets the passed in target as the new target of the GroupableModelElement mapping. It then will auto-map the entity fields to field elements in the target.
Public methodStatic memberSetExistingTargetOnGroupableModelElementMapping(GroupableModelElementMapping, IProjectElementMapTargetElement, Project, DBDriverBase)
Sets the passed in target as the new target of the GroupableModelElement mapping. It then will auto-map the GroupableModelElement fields to field elements in the target. If the target has no fields and the target is a table, the routine will auto-add new fields for every field mapping present in the mapping passed in, which requires a valid driver instance to be passed in.
See Also