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PluginBase Properties

The PluginBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCallbacks
Sets the callbacks hashtable. Callbacks are used to produce a progress bar for example.
Public propertyConfigurationSettings
Gets / sets LLBLGen Pro configurationSettings for the plugin to use.
Public propertyEntities
Gets / sets entities to use.
Public propertyExecutionResult
Gets the execution result of the Execution method. TargetValue and ExecutionResult are two variables used for plugins without an interface which have to process data for the designer. ExecutionResult is also used if a return value is expected from the plugin.
Public propertyFullPathPluginRootFolder
Gets / sets FullPathPluginRootFolder. This path is useful for the plugin to read/write settings.
Public propertyPreferences
Gets / sets the LLBLGen Pro preferences of the current user.
Public propertyProjectToTarget
Gets / sets the project to target
Public propertyRootDocuments
Gets or sets the root derived elements to use.
Public propertySPCalls
Gets / sets SPCalls to use
Public propertyTargetValue
Gets or sets the target value of the plugin. Set this property if the plugin has to work on something else than project elements like entities, typedlists and the like.
Public propertyTvfCalls
Gets or sets the TVF calls to use
Public propertyTypedLists
Gets / sets typedLists to use
Public propertyTypedViews
Gets / sets typedViews to use
Public propertyValueTypes
Gets / sets Valuetypes to use
See Also