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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.QuerySpec Namespace

Public classAggregateRelatedExtensionMethods
Extension methods for field / expression which assign an aggregate function on the field / expression.
Public classAliasFinder
Class which is used to find all aliases in the objects to traverse. This is used to obtain all sources for a query for example.
Public classAllAnyPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce All/Any based predicates (NOT EXISTS, EXISTS).
Public classArrayFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for Array
Public classBetweenPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce between comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classBooleanFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for booleans
Public classContainsPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce Contains based predicates (EXISTS, IN..).
Public classConvertFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for Convert methods
Public classCrossJoin
Class which defines a cross join.
Public classDataProjectorToObjectListT
Custom projector class which is used to create the final results of a projection using a delegate. THe projection is done using a compiled lambda.
Public classDataProjectorToObjectRowList
Simple class which doesn't do any projection work, it simply adds all received rows to the results list.
Public classDateTimeFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for DateTime
Public classDecimalFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for Decimal
Public classDynamicQuery
Dynamic query, for fetching a custom projection of entity data.
Public classDynamicQueryT
Generic variant of DynamicQuery, created using the method DynamicQuery.WithProjector(), which defines a typed projector for the DynamicQuery class, or by using EntityQuery(Of T).Select(lambda) or various DynamicQuery.Select() overloads.
Public classEntityNamePlaceHolder
Simple placeholder which is the result of a QueryTarget usage in a prefetch path element's WithJoins() method. This placeholder will be used to produce an entity name to be used for formulating a dynamic relation without a creator.
Public classEntityQueryTEntity
Entity query definition. Used to specify a query for fetching entities.
Public classEntityRelationBasedJoin
Class which defines a join specified by an EntityRelation object.
Public classEqualOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce equality comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classExpressionDefinition
Simple class which wraps an Expression object to be able to specify alias and type
Public classExpressionExtensionMethods
Extension methods defined for IExpression.
Public classFieldExtensionMethods
Class which defines extension methods defined on IEntityFieldCore implementing classes.
Public classFullEntityName
Simple class which defines the full name of an entity, used in join preparation.
Public classFullProjectionPlaceHolder
Placeholder for the Projection.Full specification, so a Select() can deal with this.
Public classFunctionMappingExpression
Class which acts as a placeholder for a function call, and is replaced before execution with the real function call. It stores data which is used to lookup a function mapping in a FunctionMappingStore, which mechanism is also shared with the Linq provider.
Public classFunctionMappingExpressionReplacer
Replaces the FunctionMappingExpression instances found in the elements to traverse with the DbFunctionCall equivalent.
Public classFunctionMappingExtensionMethods
Extension methods on IEntityFieldCore and IExpression for
Public classFunctions
Helper class to specify function calls into the query fragments.
Public classGenericExpressionHandler
Generic class for the expression handlers.
Public classGreaterEqualOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce greater or equal comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classGreaterThanOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce greater than comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classGroupingTKey, TElement
Class which implements the IGrouping interface to return grouped results in a query
Public classHybridJoin
A hybrid join is a join between an IJoinOperand and an EntityRelationBasedJoin. The IJoinOperand can be a JoinClauseBase derived join or another element. The join operator is specified in the right operand (EntityRelationBasedJoin).
Public classInnerOuterJoin
Class which defines a join of type INNER, LEFT or RIGHT.
Public classInPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce IN based predicates (field IN (set/range/query)) for field or expression.
Public classIsNullPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce IS Null comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classJoinClauseBase
Base class for classes which define a join.
Public classJoinOperandExtensionMethods
Class which defines extension methods for IJoinOperand implementing types to formulate joins between various elements.
Public classJoins
Helper class which can create inner/left/right/cross joins based on EntityRelation objects.
Public classLesserEqualOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce lesser or equal comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classLesserThanOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce lesser than comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classMathFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for the Math class
Public classNestedQuerySpecification
Simple class which contains a nested query specification inside a projection
Public classNotEqualOpPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce negated equality (not equal) comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classNullAwareDataValueProjector
Specific DataValueProjector, which converts DBNull.Value values from the db to null.
Public classPredicateExtensionMethods
Extension methods defined for IPredicate implementing classes.
Public classPrefetchPathExtensionMethods
Extension methods for PrefetchPath related elements.
Public classProjection
Class which defines the projection of a DynamicQuery
Public classProjectionLambdaCreator
Helper class which creates a projection lambda to be used with Select from a type and an IEntityFieldsCore object.
Public classProjectionLambdaTransformer
Visitor, which transforms a passed in lambda into a proper projector lambda for WithProjector and extracts the elements to pass to Select(params object[]). Uses a caching mechanism which caches the compiled result of a lambda based on the string representation of the lambda. This can increase performance. The caching is tweakable and can be switched off. (See static members of this class). If a lambda contains a constant expression, the lambda isn't cached to avoid caching a lambda referencing a local variable and keeping the object containing the local variable into memory.
Public classQueryFactoryCore
Core base class for all QueryFactory classes.
Public classQuerySpec
Abstract base class for all query specification classes.
Public classQuerySpecExtensionMethods
Extension ethods defined on QuerySpec and derived classes.
Public classQuerySpecPlaceHolder
Simple placeholder which is inserted by QueryTarget's join methods and is replaced by a real EntityQuery when the joins are prepared.
Public classQueryTarget
Placeholder class to specify a join in From() calls on an EntityQuery.
Public classScalarQueryExtensionMethods
Extension methods for the ScalarQueryExpression class.
Public classScalarQueryProducers
Class with extension methods to produce scalar queries from normal queryspec queries.
Public classSortClauseProducers
Class which contains extension methods to produce sort clauses on fields / expressions.
Public classStringFunctions
Class which defines the function mappings for String
Public classStringMethodPredicateProducers
Extension methods to produce Like predicates for string fields/expressions. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
Public classTextualizer
Converts the visited element into a string representation of that element.
Public classTvfCallWrapper
Simple wrapper class to be able to use a tablevalued function call as a join operand.
Public classWindowFunctions
Class which defines window (analytical) functions so they can be used within a queryspec query combined with a windowspecification, defined by appending an Over() method call.
Public interfaceIDynamicQuery
Simple interface for accessing a DynamicQuery object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
Public interfaceIEntityQuery
Simple interface for accessing a generic EntityQuery object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
Public interfaceIJoinOperand
Interface which defines an operand which can participate in a join definition (as left or right side).
Public interfaceIQuerySpec
Simple interface for accessing a QuerySpec object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
Public delegateCorrelationFilterFunc
Delegate which is used to compile an in-memory lambda to which is used to compare parent rows with child rows in nested-query executions. The lambda looks like: (parentValues, childValues) => FieldUtilities.ValuesAreEqual(parentValues[parentFieldIndex], childValues[childFieldIndex]);
Public delegateDataReaderProjectionRowDelegateT
Delegate which is used with plain sql projections as these can skip most projection ceremony.
Public delegateObjectCreatorFuncTObject
Delegate which is used to create new instances of an object based on a type, and which is much faster than Activator.CreateInstance
Public delegateProjectionRowDelegateT
Delegate which is used in WithProjector methods to define the projector delegate.