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IPathEdge Interface

Interface for the edge list of WithPath and PathEdge ctor.

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LinqSupportClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (
public interface IPathEdge

The IPathEdge type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildEdges
Gets the list of child edges of this edge, which are the edges from the related entity further down the path.
Public propertyEndNodeType
Gets the end type of the node, the entity type which acts as the child/ren to fetch for the parent entity (the type of the related entity/ies)
Public propertyFieldsToExcludeInclude
Gets the fields to exclude or include.
Public propertyFilterLambda
Gets the filter lambda for this edge
Public propertyFromClauseDirectives
The From Clause directives (hints/temporal predicates) to use for this node.
Public propertyLimiter
Gets the limiter to limit the # of elements returned. 0 is all elements (default)
Public propertyNoCaching
Gets a value indicating whether the query should use its parent's caching directive (false, default) or should bypass the parent's caching directive and always fetch the query from the database (true).
Public propertyPathElement
Gets the prefetch path element which specifies the entity collection or single entity to fetch with using this edge
Public propertySortClauseExpressions
Gets the sort clause expressions, which are created from the lambda expressions. Ignored if Sorter is set.
Public propertySorter
Gets the sorter to use when fetching the related entity/ies. If not set, SortClauseExpressions are assumed.
Public methodAddFromClauseDirective
Adds the from clause directive specified to this element
See Also