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IEntityFields2 Interface

Interface for the EntityFields2 type. An EntityFields2 type is a collection of IEntityField2 objects which forms the total amount of fields for a given entity. Adapter specific

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (5.10.0)
public interface IEntityFields2 : IEntityFieldsCore, 
	IEditableObject, IList<IEntityFieldCore>, ICollection<IEntityFieldCore>, 
	IEnumerable<IEntityFieldCore>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection

The IEntityFields2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of slots allocated in this fields object.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyFieldsWithExpressionOrAggregate
Gets the fields with expression or aggregate.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyInheritanceInfoProviderToUse
Gets the inheritance info provider to use.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyIsChangedInThisEditCycle
Flag to signal if the entity fields have changed during an edit cycle which is controlled outside this IEntityFieldsCore object. If set to true, EndEdit will succeed, otherwise EndEdit will ignore any changes, since these are made in a previous edit cycle which is already ended.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyIsDirty
Gets / sets the flag if the contents of the EntityFields2 object is 'dirty', which means that one or more fields are changed.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the IList has a fixed size.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread safe).
(Inherited from ICollection.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets / sets the EntityField2 on the specified Index.
Public propertyItemString
Gets the EntityField with the specified name.
Public propertyOwnPrimaryKeyFieldInfos
Gets the primary key field infos of the pk fields owned by this entity, so not the pk fields inherited from a supertype. If this entity isn't in a TPE inheritance hierarchy, this property is equal to PrimaryKeyFieldInfos
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyPrimaryKeyFieldInfos
Gets the primary key field infos. Similar to PrimaryKeyFields, but this property doesn't trigger field creation.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertyPrimaryKeyFields
List of IEntityField2 references which form the 'primary key', or uniquely identifying set of values for this set of fields, thus for the entity holding these fields.
Public propertyState
The state of the IEntityFieldsCore object
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ICollection.
(Inherited from ICollection.)
Public methodAcceptChanges
Accepts the changes made. Used in databinding scenarios
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodAdd(Object)
Adds an item to the IList.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public methodAdd(T) (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodBeginEdit
Begins an edit on an object.
(Inherited from IEditableObject.)
Public methodCancelEdit (Inherited from IEditableObject.)
Public methodCleanAndPreserveExpressionsFromFields
Removes the expressions from fields and returns them in the dictionary, key is field index, value is the expression on that field. Only removes expressions from fields which have a non-empty containingobjectname, as those are real entity fields.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodClear (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodClone
Clones this instance and its contents using a deep copy.
Public methodCloneAsDirty
Clones this object to a new EntityFields object where all fields are changed and the object itself is marked dirty.
Public methodCompact
Compacts the list of fields so all empty slots are removed.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodContains(Object)
Determines whether the IList contains a specific value.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public methodContains(T) (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodContract
Contracts the list of fields so all empty slots at the end of the list of fields are removed. Doesn't perform a contract operation if the fields object is empty
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodCopyTo(Array, Int32)
Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
(Inherited from ICollection.)
Public methodCopyTo(T, Int32) (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32, AggregateFunction)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32, String)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32, String, AggregateFunction)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32, String, String)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDefineField(IEntityFieldCore, Int32, String, String, AggregateFunction)
Adds the specified field on the position indexInFields in the resultset.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodDeserializeData
Deserializes the data of this fields object from the SerializationInfo object specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodEndEdit (Inherited from IEditableObject.)
Public methodExpand
Expands this entity fields object by appending numberOfCells new cells to this object.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodForcedValueWrite(Int32, Object)
Sets the current value for the field with the index specified to the currentValue specified without setting changed flags. From user code, use SetCurrentValue instead.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodForcedValueWrite(Int32, Object, Object)
Sets the current value for the field with the index specified to the currentValue specified and the dbvalue to the dbvalue specified without setting changed flags. From user code, use SetCurrentValue instead.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetAsEntityFieldCoreArray
Returns the complete list of IEntityFieldCore objects as an array of IEntityFieldCore objects.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetCurrentValue
Gets the current value for the field at index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetDbValue
Gets the DB value for the field at index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetEntityFieldStates
Gets the field states for transaction state save
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetEntityNamesOfFields
Gets the entity names of fields.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodGetFieldIndex
Gets the index of the field with the name specified
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetFieldInfo
Gets the field info for the field at the index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetFieldNames
Gets the field names of the fields contained in this fields object.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides the GetHashCode routine. It will calculate a hashcode for this set of entity fields using the eXclusive OR of the hashcodes of the primary key fields in this set of entity fields. That hashcode is returned. If no primary key fields are present, the hashcode of the base class is returned, which will not be unique.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetIsChanged
Gets the IsChanged flag for the field at the index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetIsNull
Gets the IsNull value for the field with the index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetLinkedSuperTypeField
Gets the linked super type field for the field with the index specified, or null if not applicable.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodGetUniqueFieldNames
Gets the unique field names.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodIndexOf(Object)
Determines the index of a specific item in the IList.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public methodIndexOf(T) (Inherited from IListIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, T) (Inherited from IListIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, Object)
Inserts an item to the IList at the specified index.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public methodMarkAsFetched
Marks the fields as fetched. Copies the current values to the db values and sets the state to fetched.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodReadXml
Reads the fields which are childnodes of the passed in fieldsElement into this object
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodReassignExpressionsOnFields
Reassigns the expressions on fields. Specified are the expressions per field index, as returned by CleanAndPreserveExpressionsFromFields
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodRejectChanges
Rejects the changes made. Used in databinding scenarios
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodRemove(Object)
Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the IList.
(Inherited from IList.)
Public methodRemove(T) (Inherited from ICollectionIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodRemoveAt (Inherited from IListIEntityFieldCore.)
Public methodSerializeData
Serializes the data of this fields object into the SerializationInfo object specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodSetCurrentValue
Sets the current value for the field at index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodSetDbValue
Sets the db value for the field at the index specified.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodSetEntityFieldStates
Sets the field states. Used in transaction state save
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodSetIsChanged
Sets the IsChanged flag for the field specified. Sets IsDirty to true if value is true.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodSetValues
Sets the values for the fields, when this object is part of an entity.
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Public methodShallowClone
Creates a shallow copy of this instance, which means that a new EntityFields2 object is created but all membervariables are kept the same.
Public methodWriteXml
Writes the XML of this Fields object to the writer specified
(Inherited from IEntityFieldsCore.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodInT
Creates a predicate which is true if there's an object of type T in values, which has for each property P a field in fields with the same name / alias and the value for property P is equal to the value of the field equivalent in the main query.
(Defined by InPredicateProducers.)
Public Extension MethodNotInT
Creates a predicate which is true if there's no object of type T in values, which has for each property P a field in fields with the same name / alias and the value for property P is equal to the value of the field equivalent in the main query.
(Defined by InPredicateProducers.)
See Also