EntityCoreTFields Fields |
The EntityCoreTFields generic type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() ![]() | AllowReadsFromDeletedEntities |
Flag (default: false) which controls whether reading from an entity object which has been deleted (its Fields.State is EntityState.Deleted)
results in an ORMEntityIsDeletedException (false) or not (true).
![]() ![]() | BuildInValidationBypassMode |
The mode (default: NoBypass) to use for the build-in validation checks. Build-in validation checks are performed on every value a field is set to,
unless this mode is set to a different value than NoBypass which makes the code to bypass these build-in validation checks. The build-in validation checks
are used to prevent overflow exceptions when the entity is persisted to the database.
![]() ![]() | MakeInvalidFieldReadsFatal |
Flag (default: false), which can be used to track down errors in code at runtime when migrating from LLBLGen Pro v1.0.xx to v2.0.
When set to true, it will make invalid field reads fatal and will make the entity throw an ORMInvalidFieldReadException when a field is
read while the field's value hasn't been set yet.
![]() ![]() | MakeSettingNonNullableFieldsToNullFatal |
Flag (default: false) which directs the built-in validation logic to throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception when a field which is non-nullable is set to
null / nothing. When false, the set action is silently ignored if a non-nullable field is set to null and results in a no-op, which is the behavior of v4.2 and earlier.
When true, the set action results in the ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
![]() ![]() | MarkSavedEntitiesAsFetched |
Flag (default: false) which controls if saved entities which aren't fetched back in the same call should be marked as Fetched instead of the
default 'OutOfSync'. Setting this to true can save fetch roundtrips to the database to refetch data for the entity already in memory. However
setting this setting to true can also cause getting the entity out of sync with the database because another thread has updated the same
entity data. Use with care. It's recommended to leave it on its default value: false and only set this to true if you're sure the data in-memory
reflects the entity data in the database.
![]() ![]() | ScaleOverflowCorrectionActionToUse |
The action to use when the build-in validation detects a scale overflow (e.g. scale of a field is 2, and the value to set the field to is 10.455, which
has a scale of 3). Default is 'Truncate', which means that the overflow value will be truncated to the scale size.
If validation is bypassed by setting BuildInValidationBypassMode to a value which makes the build-in validation to be bypassed, this
setting has no effect.
![]() ![]() | ValidatePrecisionScaleSingleDoubleValues |
Flag (default: true, for backwards compatibility). When set to true, build-in validation will check precision/scale lengths on values when setting a
single/double field. As precision/scale validation can't actually be done reliably on single/double fields (as they're IEEE encoded) this flag should
be set to false once to switch off this behavior in the build-in validation if this validation gives problematic results.