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LLBLGenProDesignerDataSourceView Properties

The LLBLGenProDesignerDataSourceView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanDelete
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteDelete(IDictionary, IDictionary) method.
(Overrides DesignerDataSourceView.CanDelete.)
Public propertyCanInsert
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteInsert(IDictionary) method.
(Overrides DesignerDataSourceView.CanInsert.)
Public propertyCanPage
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports paging through the data that is retrieved by the ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments) method.
(Overrides DesignerDataSourceView.CanPage.)
Public propertyCanRetrieveTotalRowCount
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports retrieving the total number of data rows instead of the data itself.
(Inherited from DesignerDataSourceView.)
Public propertyCanSort
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports a sorted view on the underlying data source.
(Inherited from DesignerDataSourceView.)
Public propertyCanUpdate
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object that is associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary) method.
(Overrides DesignerDataSourceView.CanUpdate.)
Public propertyDataSourceDesigner
Gets a reference to the designer that created this DesignerDataSourceView control.
(Inherited from DesignerDataSourceView.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the view as provided when this instance of the DesignerDataSourceView class was created.
(Inherited from DesignerDataSourceView.)
Public propertySchema
Gets a schema that describes the data source view that is represented by this view object.
(Overrides DesignerDataSourceView.Schema.)
See Also