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RelationshipInfo Properties

The RelationshipInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCamelCasedNavigator
Gets the navigator string but now camel cased.
Public propertyCamelCasedOppositeNavigator
Gets the opposite navigator string but now camel cased.
Public propertyForEntity
Gets the entity this relationship info is for (the owner of this relationship info)
Public propertyIsOnPkSide
Gets a value indicating whether the entity this relationship info is for is on the pk side of Relationship
Public propertyNavigator
Gets the navigator.
Public propertyNavigatorInstance
Gets the navigator instance for the navigator of the entity this info is for
Public propertyNavigatorIsHidden
Gets a value indicating whether the navigator is hidden (empty) (true) or not (false)
Public propertyNavigatorIsOptional
Gets a value indicating the element represented by the navigator is optional (true) or not in the context of the owner of the entity of the relationship. (the start entity).
Public propertyNavigatorIsSingleEntity
Gets a value indicating whether the navigator represents a set (true) or a single entity
Public propertyNormalRelationship
Gets this.Relationship as NormalRelationshipEdge. If Relationship is not a NormalRelationshipEdge, null is returned.
Public propertyOppositeNavigator
Gets the opposite navigator.
Public propertyOppositeNavigatorIsHidden
Gets a value indicating whether the opposite navigator is hidden (empty) (true) or not (false)
Public propertyOppositeNavigatorIsOptional
Gets a value indicating the element represented by the opposite navigator is optional (true) or not in the context of the owner of the entity of the relationship. (the start entity).
Public propertyOppositeNavigatorIsSingleEntity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the opposite navigator represents a set (true) or a single entity
Public propertyOppositeRelationshipType
Gets the type of the relationship from the related entity 's point of view. So 1:n becomes m:1
Public propertyRelatedEntity
Gets the related entity.
Public propertyRelationship
Gets the relationship.
Public propertyRelationshipType
Gets the type of the relationship as seen from the owner entity's point of view. So if the type of this.Relationship is 1:n and ForEntity is accessed via the end navigator (so this.ViaStartNavigator is false), this property returns m:1, while this.Relationship.RelationshipType will return 1:n. This because 1 relationship object is used for both the sides of the relationship: customer 1:n order is equal to order m;1 customer.
Public propertyUniqueAssociationName
Gets the name of the unique association.
Public propertyViaStartNavigator
Gets a value indicating whether the owning entity is reached through the start navigator or the end navigator of Relationship
See Also