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NameConstructionChangePropagator Properties

The NameConstructionChangePropagator type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
(Inherited from WorkItemBase.)
Public propertyForeignKeyPatternChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the foreign key pattern changed, so all foreign key fields have to be reprocessed.
Public propertyForfPatternChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the forf pattern changed, so all forfs have to be reprocessed.
Public propertyGeneralNameConstructionSettingChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a general name construction setting was changed, meaning all names are affected and have to be reprocessed.
Public propertyIsSingleton
Gets a value indicating whether just one instance of this workitem should be scheduled for execution (true) or multiple instances are allowed (false)
(Inherited from WorkItemBase.)
Public propertyNavigatorManyToManyPatternChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigator pattern for m:n navigators changed so all those navigators have to be reprocessed.
Public propertyNavigatorOneManyToOnePatternChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigator pattern for the 1:1/m:1 navigators changed so all those navigators have to be reprocessed
Public propertyNavigatorOneToManyPatternChanged
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigator pattern for the 1:n navigators changed so all those navigators have to be reprocessed.
Public propertySubTaskProgressInitHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressInitCallBack. Setting this property will allow Start to reflect its current progress of subtasks executed within a general task in the progress viewer.
(Inherited from WorkItemBase.)
Public propertySubTaskProgressTaskCompletedHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressTaskCompletedCallBack. Setting this property will allow Start to reflect its current progress of subtasks executed within a general task in the progress viewer.
(Inherited from WorkItemBase.)
Public propertySubTaskProgressTaskStartHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressTaskStartCallBack. Setting this property will allow Start to reflect its current progress of subtasks executed within a general task in the progress viewer.
(Inherited from WorkItemBase.)
See Also