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DynamicQueryEngineBase Methods

The DynamicQueryEngineBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddSingleTargetElementToFromClause
Adds a single target element to from clause. This is used when there's no join to add, but instead a single target. Takes care of hint emitting if required.
Protected methodAppendFieldExpressionAsValueForInsert
Appends the field's expression as value to the specified valueFragments list for the specified insert query. It also appends the parameters to the query as parameters (not anonymized yet)
Protected methodAppendFieldToValueFragmentsForInsert
Appends the field (or its expresssion) to the value fragments of the query specified for insert.
Protected methodAppendGroupByClause
Appends a GROUP BY clause with the contents of the filter if it's not null / empty, to the fragments object specified. Parameters are added to the query specified
Protected methodAppendOrderByClause
Appends an GROUP BY clause with the contents of the filter if it's not null / empty, to the fragments object specified. Parameters are added to the query specified
Protected methodAppendResultsetFields
Appends the resultset fields.
Protected methodAppendUpdateSetClauses(IListIEntityFieldCore, IListIFieldPersistenceInfo, DelimitedStringList, IList)
Appends set clauses for an update query using the input specified to the destination list specified
Protected methodAppendUpdateSetClauses(IListIEntityFieldCore, IListIFieldPersistenceInfo, DelimitedStringList, IList, Boolean)
Appends set clauses for an update query using the input specified to the destination list specified
Protected methodAppendWhereClause
Appends a WHERE clause with the contents of the filter if it's not null / empty, to the fragments object specified. Parameters are added to the query specified
Protected methodCheckIfFieldNeedsInsertAction
Checks the if field needs insert action.
Protected methodConstructFieldsToUpdateList
Constructs the list of fields to update plus its corresponding fieldpersistenceinfo list.
Protected methodCreateActionQueryFromSQL
Creates the action query from the sql query specified using the parameter values specified.
Protected methodCreateCommand
Creates the command.
Protected methodCreateCommand(DbConnection)
Creates a new DbCommand object and initializes it
Protected methodCreateCommand(String)
Creates a new DbCommand object and initializes it
Protected methodCreateCommand(String, DbConnection)
Creates a new DbCommand object and initializes it
Protected methodCreateDbSpecificCreator
Creates a new IDbSpecificCreator and initializes it
Public methodCreateDeleteDQ(IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, ListIPredicate)
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use.
Public methodCreateDeleteDQ(IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, ListIPredicate, IPredicate, IRelationCollection)
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use.
Public methodCreateInsertDQ(IEntityFields, DbConnection)
Creates a new Insert Query object which is ready to use.
Public methodCreateInsertDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection)
Creates a new Insert Query object which is ready to use.
Protected methodCreatePagingSelectDQ
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Protected methodCreateRealQueryAndParameters
Creates the real sql query to execute from the query in string form and the parameters specified. It updates 'query' with the constructed string and real DbParameter instances.
Protected methodCreateRetrievalQueryFromSQL
Creates the retrieval query from the SQL query specified using the parameter values specified and is configured with the aspects specified.
Public methodCreateRowCountDQ
Creates a select query which will be executed as a scalar, and which will return a single value, the number of rows in the query formed by the elements passed in.
Public methodCreateSelectDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IGroupByCollection, Boolean)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Public methodCreateSelectDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, Boolean, IGroupByCollection)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Public methodCreateSelectDQ(IEntityFields, DbConnection, IPredicate, Int32, Int32, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, Boolean, IGroupByCollection)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Public methodCreateSelectDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, IPredicate, Int32, Int32, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, Boolean, IGroupByCollection)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Protected methodCreateSelectDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IRetrievalQuery, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, Boolean, IGroupByCollection, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetDeleteDQ(IFieldPersistenceInfo, IActionQuery, IPredicate)
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetDeleteDQ(IFieldPersistenceInfo, IActionQuery, IPredicate, IRelationCollection)
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetDeleteDQUsingCorrelatedSubQuery
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetDeleteDQUsingKeywordClause
Creates a new Delete Query object which is ready to use. Uses keyword clause (using keyword FROM/USING etc.)) for filtering
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetInsertDQ
Creates a new Insert Query object which is ready to use.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetUpdateDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IActionQuery, IPredicate)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore fields are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetUpdateDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IActionQuery, IPredicate, IRelationCollection)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated.
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetUpdateDQUsingCorrelatedSubQuery
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated. Uses a correlated subquery for filtering
Protected methodCreateSingleTargetUpdateDQUsingFromClause
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated. Uses a FROM clause for filtering
Protected methodCreateSubqueryConnectionClausesDelete
Produces a set of WHERE Clauses to use in the DELETE queries which have filters spanning multiple entities. It produces one clause if it finds the deleteTable on the PK side and then stops and it produces n clauses if it finds deleteTable on the FK side of n relations in relationsToWalk. If the deleteTable is on the PK side, it produces a clause: deleteTableAlias.PKField1 = deleteTable.PKField1 AND... (for each field in the PK 1 clause) If the deleteTable is on the FK side, it produces deleteTableAlias.Field1 = relatedEntityTable.Field1 AND ... clauses for each relation the table of the persistence info is in.
Protected methodCreateSubqueryConnectionClausesUpdate
Produces a set of WHERE Clauses to use in the UPDATE queries which have filters spanning multiple entities. It produces one clause if it finds the updateTable on the PK side and then stops and it produces n clauses if it finds updateTable on the FK side of n relations in relationsToWalk. If the updateTable is on the PK side, it produces a clause: updatedTableAlias.PKField1 = updateTable.PKField1 AND... (for each field in the PK 1 clause) If the updateTable is on the FK side, it produces updatedTableAlias.Field1 = relatedEntityTable.Field1 AND ... clauses for each relation the table of the persistence info is in.
Protected methodCreateTvfCallQuery
Creates a retrieval query for the tvfcall specified.
Protected methodCreateTvfFunctionNameFragmentList
Creates the TVF function name fragment list. By default it will create 'FunctionName(parameterList)'. Override this method if the DQE requires a different strategy to call a TVF, e.g. wrapping it.
Public methodCreateUpdateDQ(IEntityFields, DbConnection, ListIPredicate)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFields are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated.
Public methodCreateUpdateDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, ListIPredicate)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore fields are included in the update query.
Public methodCreateUpdateDQ(IEntityFields, DbConnection, ListIPredicate, IPredicate, IRelationCollection)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated.
Public methodCreateUpdateDQ(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, DbConnection, ListIPredicate, IPredicate, IRelationCollection)
Creates a new Update Query object which is ready to use. Only 'changed' EntityFieldCore are included in the update query. Primary Key fields are never updated.
Protected methodDetermineFilterToUse
Determines the filter to use.
Protected methodDetermineIfDuplicatesWillOccur
Determines if duplicates will occur.
Protected methodDetermineIfFieldAliasIsRequired
Determines if field alias is required.
Protected methodDetermineObjectAliasToUseForSelectListField
Determines the object alias to use for select list field.
Protected methodDetermineTargetAlias
Determines the target alias to use for a single target FROM clause.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetCorrectFieldTypeBasedOnTypeSpecs
Gets the correct field type, based on the type and lenght specified in the specified persistenceInfo
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNewCatalogName
Gets the new name for the catalog, given the current name. If the current name is not found in the list of catalog name overwrites, the current name is returned. This routine works on the catalog names specified in the config file.
Public methodGetNewPerCallSequenceName
Gets the new name of the sequence passed in. Default implementation overwrites schema name with a new name if the name has been defined for overwriting. Works on the PerCallSchemaNameOverwrites set.
Public methodGetNewPerCallStoredProcedureName
Gets the new name of the stored procedure passed in. Overwrites schema and catalog name with a new name if these names have been defined for overwriting. This routine works on the PerCallCatalogNameOverwrites and PerCallSchemaNameOverwrites names specified on this instance
Public methodGetNewSchemaName
Gets the new name for the schema, given the current name. If the current name is not found in the list of schema name overwrites, the current name is returned. This routine works on the schema names specified in the config file.
Public methodGetNewSequenceName
Gets the new name of the sequence passed in. Default implementation overwrites schema name with a new name if the name has been defined for overwriting.
Public methodGetNewStoredProcedureName
Gets the new name of the stored procedure passed in. Overwrites schema and catalog name with a new name if these names have been defined for overwriting. This routine works on the catalog and schema names specified in the config file.
Protected methodGetNullInProjectionFragment
Gets the fragment to use in a projection for a literal NULL. By default this is 'NULL', but some databases need extra processing around NULL. Do to so, override this method.
Protected methodGetTvfFunctionNameToUse
Gets the table valued function name to use. By default it creates an object name from the elements specified like a table name.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleDistinctEmit
Handles the emit of 'DISTINCT' into the query text and returns true if distinct was emitted or false if not.
Protected methodMakeParametersAnonymous(DbCommand)
Makes the parameters anonymous in the passed in query. An anonymous parameter is '?', not '@foo'. It walks all parameters and replaces the names of these parameters with "?" in the query text
Protected methodMakeParametersAnonymous(String, IList)
Makes the parameters anonymous in the passed in query. An anonymous parameter is '?', not '@foo'. It walks all parameters and replaces the names of these parameters with "?" in the query text
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodReAssembleStoredProcedureNameFragments
Re-assembles the stored procedure name from the fragments specified
Protected methodResetCreator
Resets the creator object with a new one. Only used by DAO objects which keep a Dynamic Query Engine object alive.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWrapCommandInPagingQuery
Wraps the command in the query specified in a paging query and adds necessary parameters to the command.
See Also