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DynamicQueryEngineCreateSelectDQ Method (IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IRetrievalQuery, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, Boolean, IGroupByCollection, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations. If selectFilter is set to null, all rows are selected.

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.Firebird
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.Firebird (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.Firebird.dll) Version: (5.1.0)
protected override void CreateSelectDQ(
	IEntityFieldCore[] selectList,
	IFieldPersistenceInfo[] fieldsPersistenceInfo,
	IRetrievalQuery query,
	IPredicate selectFilter,
	long maxNumberOfItemsToReturn,
	ISortExpression sortClauses,
	IRelationCollection relationsToWalk,
	bool allowDuplicates,
	IGroupByCollection groupByClause,
	bool relationsSpecified,
	bool sortClausesSpecified


Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIEntityFieldCore
list of IEntityFieldCore objects to select
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIFieldPersistenceInfo
Array of IFieldPersistenceInfo objects to use to build the select query
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIRetrievalQuery
The query to fill.
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIPredicate
A complete IPredicate implementing object which contains the filter for the rows to select. When set to null, no filtering is done, and all rows are returned.
Type: SystemInt64
The maximum number of items to return with this retrieval query. If the used Dynamic Query Engine supports it, 'TOP' is used to limit the amount of rows to return. When set to 0, no limitations are specified.
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesISortExpression
The order by specifications for the sorting of the resultset. When not specified, no sorting is applied.
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIRelationCollection
list of EntityRelation objects, which will be used to formulate a FROM clause with INNER JOINs.
Type: SystemBoolean
Flag which forces the inclusion of DISTINCT if set to true. If the resultset contains fields of type ntext, text or image, no duplicate filtering is done.
Type: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClassesIGroupByCollection
The list of fields to group by on. When not specified or an empty collection is specified, no group by clause is added to the query. A check is performed for each field in the selectList. If a field in the selectList is not present in the groupByClause collection, an exception is thrown.
Type: SystemBoolean
flag to signal if relations are specified, this is a result of a check. This routine should simply assume the value of this flag is correct.
Type: SystemBoolean
flag to signal if sortClauses are specified, this is a result of a check. This routine should simply assume the value of this flag is correct.
ArgumentNullExceptionWhen selectList is null or fieldsPersistenceInfo is null
ArgumentExceptionWhen selectList contains no EntityFieldCore instances or fieldsPersistenceInfo is empty.
Generic version
See Also