IEntity2 Methods |
The IEntity2 type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AcceptChanges |
Accepts the changes made to the fields. Used in databinding/service scenarios. Calls AcceptChange on the fields in this entity
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
BeginEdit | Begins an edit on an object. (Inherited from IEditableObject.) | |
CancelEdit | Discards changes since the last BeginEdit call. (Inherited from IEditableObject.) | |
CheckIfEntityHasPendingFkSyncsTEntity |
Checks whether this instance has pending fk syncs. A pending FK sync is a sync which hasn't been used yet.
If an entity has pending FK syncs, it has to be included into a save queue. Only syncs with entities in the passed in queue are considered.
If a sync is with an entity which isn't in the passed in queue, the sync isn't honoured anyway, so the fk sync can be ignored.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
CheckIfIsSubTypeOf | Determines whether this entity is a subType of the entity represented by the passed in enum value, which represents a value in the EntityType enum (Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
DetachFromGraph |
Detaches this entity from all referencing entities and resets all references in this entity to other entities, including many-to-many relationships.
| |
DiscardSavedFields |
Removes all saved field sets from the internal hashtable, clearing up space. This method is also called when
an entity is saved.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
EndEdit | (Inherited from IEditableObject.) | |
FlagAsSaved |
Method which will fire the AfterSave event to signal that this entity is persisted and refetched succesfully.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
FlagMeAsChanged |
Routine which will flag all subscribers of the EntityContentsChanged event that this entity's contents is changed.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetAllRelations |
Gets a list of all the EntityRelation objects the type of this instance has.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetConcurrencyPredicate |
Creates the requested predicate of the type specified. If no IConcurrencyPredicateFactory instance is stored in this entity instance, null
is returned.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetCurrentFieldValue |
Gets the current value of the EntityField with the index fieldIndex. Will refetch the complete entity's fields
from the database if necessary (i.e. the entity is outofsync.).
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetDependentRelatedEntities |
Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which this entity depends on (this entity is the FK side of their PK fields). These
entities will have to be persisted before this entity during a recursive save.
| |
GetDependingRelatedEntities |
Gets a collection of related entities referenced by this entity which depend on this entity (this entity is the PK side of their FK fields). These
entities will have to be persisted after this entity during a recursive save.
| |
GetEntityDescription(Boolean) |
Gets the entity description. This string is used in verbose trace messages.
It will produce "EntityCore", if the passed in switch flag is false, to prevent performance loss due to
reflection activity for trace results which will never be seen.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetEntityDescription(Boolean, IEntityCore) |
Gets the entity description. This string is used in verbose trace messages.
It will produce "EntityCore", if verbose tracing is switched off for the GeneralSwitch, to prevent performance loss due to
reflection activity for trace results which will never be seen.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetEntityFactory |
Returns a new ready to use factory for the type of this instance.
| |
GetFieldByName |
Helper method which performs a lookup in the fields based on the name specified.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetInheritanceInfo |
Gets the inheritance info for this entity, if applicable (it's then overriden) or null if not.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetInheritanceInfoProvider | Gets the inheritance info provider instance of the project this entity instance is located in. (Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetMemberEntityCollections |
Gets a list of all entity collections stored as member variables in this entity. The contents of the list is
used by the DataAccessAdapter to perform recursive saves. Only 1:n related collections are returned.
| |
GetRelatedData |
Gets all related data objects, stored by name. The name is the field name mapped onto the relation for that particular data element.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
GetRelationsForFieldOfType | Gets the relation objects which represent the relation the fieldName specified is mapped on. (Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
ReadXml(String) |
Will fill the entity and its containing members (recursively) with the data stored in the Xml string passed in. The string xmlData has to
be filled with Xml in the format written by IEntity.WriteXml() and the Xml has to be compatible with the structure of this entity.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
ReadXml(XmlNode) |
Will fill the entity and its containing members (recursively) with the data stored in the XmlNode passed in. The XmlNode has to
be filled with Xml in the format written by IEntity.WriteXml() and the Xml has to be compatible with the structure of this entity.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
RejectChanges |
Rejects the changes made to the fields. Used in databinding/service scenarios. Calls RejectChange on the fields in this entity
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
RollbackFields |
Replaces the current set of fields with the fields saved under the name specified. If no set of fields is found with the name specified
an exception is thrown. Removes the entry after a succesful rollback.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SaveFields |
Saves the current set of fields under the name specified in an internal hashtable. All data inside the field objects is preserved.
If there is already a set of fields saved under the name specified, that set of fields is overwritten.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetEntityError |
Sets the error message which is returned by IDataErrorInfo.Error
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetEntityFieldError |
Sets the error message for the field specified. If there's already a message stored for this field, it's overwritten unless append is
set to true, which appends the message to the existing error using a semi-colon as separator. The message stored
is returned by IDataErrorInfo[fieldName];
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetNewFieldValue(Int32, Object) |
Sets the EntityField on index fieldIndex to the new value value. Marks also the entityfields as dirty. Will refetch the complete entity's fields
from the database if necessary (i.e. the entity is outofsync.).
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetNewFieldValue(String, Object) |
Sets the EntityField with the name fieldName to the new value value. Marks also the entityfields as dirty. Will refetch the complete entity's fields
from the database if necessary (i.e. the entity is outofsync.).
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetRelatedEntity |
Sets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
SetRelatedEntityProperty |
Sets the related entity property to the entity specified. If the property is a collection, it will add the entity specified to that collection.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
TestCurrentFieldValueForNull | Returns true if the current value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in represents null/not defined, false otherwise.
Should not be used for testing if the original value (read from the db) is NULL (Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
TestOriginalFieldValueForNull | Returns true if the original value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in, read from the persistent storage was NULL, false otherwise.
Should not be used for testing if the current value is NULL, use TestCurrentFieldValueForNull(Enum) for that. (Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
TransactionCommit |
When the ITransaction in which this element participates is commited, this element can succesfully finish actions performed by this
element. This method is called by ITransaction, you should not call it by yourself. When this element doesn't participate in a
transaction it finishes the actions itself, calling this method is not needed.
(Inherited from ITransactionalElement.) | |
TransactionRollback |
When the ITransaction in which this element participates is rolled back, this element has to roll back its internal variables.
This method is called by ITransaction, you should not call it by yourself.
(Inherited from ITransactionalElement.) | |
UnsetRelatedEntity(IEntityCore, String) |
Unsets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity. Reverses the actions taken by SetRelatedEntity()
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
UnsetRelatedEntity(IEntityCore, String, Boolean) |
Unsets the internal parameter related to the fieldname passed to the instance relatedEntity. Reverses the actions taken by SetRelatedEntity()
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
ValidateEntity |
General validation method which isn't used by the LLBLGen Pro framework, but can be used by your own code to validate an entity at any given moment.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(String) |
Converts the data inside inside this entity into XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlFormatAspect) |
Converts this entity to XML
| |
WriteXml(String, String) |
Converts the data inside inside this entity into XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlDocument, XmlNode) |
Converts the data inside inside this entity into XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlFormatAspect, String) |
Converts this entity to XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlFormatAspect, String) |
Converts this entity to XML
| |
WriteXml(String, XmlDocument, XmlNode) |
Converts the data inside inside this entity into XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlFormatAspect, String, String) |
Converts this entity to XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlFormatAspect, XmlDocument, XmlNode) |
Converts this entity to XML, recursively. Uses the LLBLGenProEntityName for the rootnode name
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) | |
WriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlFormatAspect, String, DictionaryGuid, IEntityCore) |
Converts this entity to XML
| |
WriteXml(XmlFormatAspect, String, XmlDocument, XmlNode) |
Converts this entity to XML, recursively.
(Inherited from IEntityCore.) |