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SqlServerSpecificCreatorCreateSubQuery Method
Overload List
Public methodCreateSubQuery(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, IGroupByCollection)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use as a subquery, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations.
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
Public methodCreateSubQuery(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, IGroupByCollection, Boolean)
Creates a new Select Query which is ready to use as a subquery, based on the specified select list and the specified set of relations.
(Overrides DbSpecificCreatorBaseCreateSubQuery(IEntityFieldCore, IFieldPersistenceInfo, IPredicate, Int64, ISortExpression, IRelationCollection, IGroupByCollection, Boolean).)
See Also