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SortClauseProducers Methods

The SortClauseProducers type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAscending(String)
Creates a sort clause for a field with the alias specified, sorting ascending
Public methodStatic memberAscending(IEntityFieldCore)
Creates an ascending sort clause for the field specified
Public methodStatic memberAscending(IExpression)
Creates an ascending sort clause for the expression specified
Public methodStatic memberCaseInsensitive
Sets the CaseSensitiveCollation flag on the sort clause specified. This will apply the UPPER() function (or db specific equivalent) to the field in the ORDER BY clause.
Public methodStatic memberDescending(String)
Creates a sort clause for a field with the alias specified, sorting descending
Public methodStatic memberDescending(IEntityFieldCore)
Creates a descending sort clause for the field specified
Public methodStatic memberDescending(IExpression)
Creates a descending sort clause for the expression specified
See Also