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DataAccessAdapterBaseFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint Method
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Public methodFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression)
Fetches an entity from the persistent storage into the object specified using the filter specified. Use the entity's uniqueconstraint filter construction methods to construct the required uniqueConstraintFilter for the unique constraint you want to use.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public methodFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression, Context)
Fetches an entity from the persistent storage into the object specified using the filter specified. Use the entity's uniqueconstraint filter construction methods to construct the required uniqueConstraintFilter for the unique constraint you want to use.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public methodFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression, IPrefetchPath2)
Fetches an entity from the persistent storage into the object specified using the filter specified. Use the entity's uniqueconstraint filter construction methods to construct the required uniqueConstraintFilter for the unique constraint you want to use.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public methodFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression, IPrefetchPath2, Context)
Fetches an entity from the persistent storage into the object specified using the filter specified. Use the entity's uniqueconstraint filter construction methods to construct the required uniqueConstraintFilter for the unique constraint you want to use.
(Inherited from DataAccessAdapterCore.)
Public methodFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression, IPrefetchPath2, Context, ExcludeIncludeFieldsList)
Fetches the entity using unique constraint.
(Overrides DataAccessAdapterCoreFetchEntityUsingUniqueConstraint(IEntity2, IPredicateExpression, IPrefetchPath2, Context, ExcludeIncludeFieldsList).)
See Also