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SerializationWriter Properties

The SerializationWriter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowStoreTokenTablePresizeInfo
Gets a boolean flag which indicates whether AppendTokenTables will store the presize information for the string and object token tables.
Public propertyBaseStream (Inherited from BinaryWriter.)
Public propertyObjectTokenTableSize
Returns the number of objects in the object token table.
Public propertyOptimizeForSize
Gets or Sets a boolean flag to indicate whether to optimize for size (default) by storing data as packed bits or sections where possible. Setting this value to false will turn off this optimization and store data directly which increases the speed. Note: This only affects optimization of data passed to the WriteObject method and direct calls to the WriteOptimized methods will always pack data into the smallest space where possible.
Public propertyPreserveDecimalScale
Gets or Sets a boolean flag to indicate whether to preserve the scale within a Decimal value when it would have no effect on the represented value. Note: a 2m value and a 2.00m value represent the same value but internally they are stored differently - the former has a value of 2 and a scale of 0 and the latter has a value of 200 and a scale of 2. The scaling factor also preserves any trailing zeroes in a Decimal number. Trailing zeroes do not affect the value of a Decimal number in arithmetic or comparison operations. However, trailing zeroes can be revealed by the ToString method if an appropriate format string is applied. From a serialization point of view, the former will take 2 bytes whereas the latter would take 4 bytes, therefore it is preferable to not save the scale where it doesn't affect the represented value.
Public propertyStringTokenTableSize
Returns the number of strings in the string token table.
Public propertyStatic memberTypeSurrogates
gets the list of optional IFastSerializationTypeSurrogate instances which SerializationWriter and SerializationReader will use to serialize objects not directly supported. It is important to use the same list on both client and server ends to ensure that the same surrogated-types are supported.
See Also