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IEnumerableExtensionMethods Class
Class for IEnumberable and IEnumerable(Of T) related extension methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SD.Tools.BCLExtensions.CollectionsRelated
Assembly:  SD.Tools.BCLExtensions (in SD.Tools.BCLExtensions.dll) Version: (
public static class IEnumerableExtensionMethods

The IEnumerableExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberSetEqualT(IEnumerableT, IEnumerableT)
Checks whether the enumerable to compare with is equal to the source enumerable, element wise. If elements are in a different order, the method will still return true. This is different from SequenceEqual which does take order into account
Public methodStatic memberSetEqualT(IEnumerableT, IEnumerableT, IEqualityComparerT)
Checks whether the enumerable to compare with is equal to the source enumerable, element wise. If elements are in a different order, the method will still return true. This is different from SequenceEqual which does take order into account
Public methodStatic memberToHashSetTDestination
Creates a new hashset and adds the source to it.
Public methodStatic memberToReadOnlyCollectionTDestination
Converts the enumerable to a ReadOnlyCollection.
See Also