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CodeGenerationCyclePreferences Properties

The CodeGenerationCyclePreferences type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDescription
Gets the description, which is the set of settings concatted to a readable string for display to the user.
Public propertyDestinationRootFolder
Gets or sets the destination folder as specified by the user. This can be a relative path.
Public propertyFrameworkName
Gets or sets the name of the framework.
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is valid.
Public propertyLanguageName
Gets or sets the name of the language.
Public propertyLastGenerationCycleStartedOn
Gets or sets the date/time the last generation cycle started on.
Public propertyOutputType
Gets or sets the type of the output this preferences are for.
Public propertyPlatformName
Gets or sets the name of the platform.
Public propertyPresetName
Gets or sets the name of the preset.
Public propertyRootNamespace
Gets or sets the root namespace.
Public propertyTemplateBindings
Gets or sets the template bindings.
Public propertyTemplateGroup
Gets or sets the template group.
See Also