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ReferencedElement Properties

The ReferencedElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCombinedPathAsString
Gets the combined path as string. It concats the path of the referenced entity before the valuetype's concatenated with a '.'. If no valuetype is specified, it will only return the referenced entity's path.
Public propertyCombinedPathLength
Gets the length of the combined path of referenced entity and referenced valuetype.
Public propertyElementGroupName
Gets the name of the group the outer element is in.
Public propertyElementName
Gets the element name for presentation purposes. This is either the name of the last navigator (or entity name if no navigator present) if no valuetype is present or in case a valuetype is specified the name of the last field, if any, otherwise the name of the valuetype.
Public propertyNoEntity
Gets a value indicating whether the referenced entity part is empty or not defined
Public propertyNoValueType
Gets a value indicating whether the referenced valuetype part is empty or not defined
Public propertyOuterReferencedElementFullName
Gets the name of the outer referenced element, which is the valuetype, if specified, otherwise the entity.
Public propertyPathAsString
Gets the full path of the outerreferenced element, which is either the path of the referenced entity if no valuetype is specified, otherwise it's the referenced entity path + . + the referenced valuetype path.
Public propertyReferencedEntity
Gets the referenced entity instance part.
Public propertyReferencedValueType
Gets the referenced valuetype instance part.
Public propertySourceElementTypeAsString
Gets the source element type as string, which is e.g. the field type if this source represents a field, or the full name of the entity or valuetype
See Also