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TaskPerformerBaseLogLine Method
Overload List
Public methodLogLine(String, String)
Logs the line in LineToLog in the output window, no verbose specification, which means that the line is logged even when the verbose checkbox is disabled. Always appends a newline.
Public methodLogLine(String, String, Boolean)
Logs the line in LineToLog in the output window, based on the verbose setting isVerboseMessage, which means that the line is not logged when the verbose checkbox is disabled if isVerboseMessage is set to true. Always appends a newline.
Public methodLogLine(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Logs the given line to the output window. Based on the verbose checkbox and the VerboseMessage flag the message is logged or not. If the verbose checkbox is set, also lines with VerboseMessage=true will be logged, otherwise these messages will be surpressed. Appends a newline if AppendNewLine is set to true.
See Also