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CommandifiedMemberTValue, TChangeType Events

The CommandifiedMemberTValue, TChangeType generic type exposes the following members.

Public eventErrorReset
Event which is raised explicitly to signal subscribers that the error has been reset. This event is only raised if there's a necessity for it: If there's an error set and this object was set to the same value, resetting the error, subscribers don't know the error has been reset as the member value itself won't be changed. This event will notify them that the error has been reset and they should raise a Propertychanged event to notify UI elements that they can clear ErrorInfo providers.
Public eventValueChanged
Event which is raised when MemberValue is set to a different value. If MemberValue's value is a mutable object and implements INotifyElementChanged, the event is also raised when some values inside the value object change. In that case, the original value and the new value in the event args are the same.
Public eventValueElementRemoved
Event which is raised when the value implements INotifyElementRemoved and it got removed from its container. This event is used in that situation to notify observers that the value of this CommandifiedMember is no longer usable.
See Also