ApplicationUtils Methods |
The ApplicationUtils type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ClampMetaDataNameToNameLengthLimit |
Clamps the meta data name specified to the name length limit defined for the driver specified, if any.
| |
ConstructActionCombinationTypesFromDelimitedString |
converts the passed in comma delimited list of names to real enum values in a list.
| |
ConvertCodeGenerationOutputTypeToDescriptionText |
Converts the code generation output type to description text.
| |
ConvertDBRelationshipTypeToEntityRelationshipType |
Converts the DBRelationshipType enum value into an EntityRelationshipType enum value.
| |
ConvertDiscriminatorValueToXmlElements |
Converts the discriminator value to XML elements.
| |
ConvertFrameworkSettingTargetElementTypeToRealType |
Converts the FrameworkSettingTargetElementType specified to the real type used in the project model.
| |
ConvertLengthPrecisionScaleMacrosToEmptyStrings |
Converts the length, precision and scale macros in the passed in strings to real values.
| |
ConvertLengthPrecisionScaleMacrosToEmptyStringsForString |
Converts the length, precision and scale macros to empty strings in the toConvert string specified
| |
ConvertLengthPrecisionScaleMacrosToRealValues |
Converts the length, precision and scale macros in the passed in strings to real values.
| |
ConvertLengthPrecisionScaleMacrosToRealValuesForString |
Converts the length, precision and scale macros to real values in the toConvert string specified
| |
ConvertNameMacrosToRealValues |
Converts the name macros used in for example additional interfaces/namespaces to real values.
| |
ConvertNameMacrosToRealValuesForString |
Converts the name macros used in for example additional interfaces/namespaces to real values in the toConvert string specified
| |
ConvertXmlElementsToDiscriminatorValue |
Converts the XML elements to discriminator value.
| |
CreateConnectionStringKeyNameForDatabase |
Creates the connection string key name for the database of the driverid specified. Uses the ConnectionStringKeyNamePattern value in the
project properties.
| |
CreateConstraintName |
Creates the name of a constraint which follows from the one or two tables specified, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateElementName(String, ProjectProperties) |
Creates the name of the element.
| |
CreateElementName(IProjectElementMapTargetElement, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the element.
| |
CreateElementName(ProjectElementType, IProjectElementMapTargetElement, ProjectProperties) |
Creates the name of the element with the type elementType which target is specified
| |
CreateElementsFromRawDefinitionsT |
Creates the elements from raw definitions.
| |
CreateEntityName |
Creates a new name for an entity which has to be mapped onto the target specified.
| |
CreateFieldName |
Creates the name for a field based on the target specified.
| |
CreateFkConstraintName(DBForeignKeyConstraint, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the fk constraint specified, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateFkConstraintName(ListPairIProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement, IProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the fk constraint which is formed by the specified fieldpairs.
| |
CreateForeignKeyFieldName |
Creates the name of the foreign key field which will be referring the relatedField passed in.
This name is not necessarily CLS compliant or unique. It does however create a name using the pattern set in the passed in properties.
| |
CreateForfName |
Creates the name for the field mapped onto related field (Forf) which is mapped onto the passed in field.
This name is not necessarily CLS compliant or unique. It does however create a name using the pattern set in the passed in properties.
| |
CreateMetaDataElementName(String, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name for the meta data element from the projectElementName specified and the properties specified.
| |
CreateMetaDataElementName(String, ProjectProperties, Boolean, Int32) |
Creates the name for the meta data element from the projectElementName specified and the properties specified.
| |
CreateNavigatorName |
Creates the name of a navigator for the start entity specified.
| |
CreateNavigatorNames |
Creates the name of a navigators for the relationship specified.
| |
CreatePkConstraintName |
Creates the name of the pk constraint which follows from the table specified, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateRawElementDefinitionsFromTargets |
Creates the raw element definitions from the targets specified. Will precheck any element which doesn't have a model element mapped on it.
| |
CreateSequenceMatchingName |
Creates the name of the sequence matching.
| |
CreateSequenceName |
Creates the name of a sequence based on the pattern defined in the properties.
| |
CreateSPCallName |
Creates a new name for a spcall which has to be mapped onto the target specified
| |
CreateTvfCallName |
Creates a new name for a tvfcall which has to be mapped onto the target specified
| |
CreateTypedViewName |
Creates a new name for a typedview which has to be mapped onto the target specified.
| |
CreateUniqueConstraintName(DBUniqueConstraint, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the unique constraint which follows from the fields specified, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateUniqueConstraintName(IProjectElementMapTargetElement, IEnumerableIProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the unique constraint which follows from the field names, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateUniqueConstraintName(IProjectElementMapTargetElement, String, ProjectProperties, String) |
Creates the name of the unique constraint which follows from the field names, using the pattern specified in the specified properties.
| |
CreateUniqueElementName |
Creates a unique name for an element mapped onto the target specified, using the name creator func specified. Pads created name with a padding
counter till it's no longer present in the specified list of names in use.
| |
DetermineRealValue |
Determines the real value to use. If the project properties value is different than Default, that value is used otherwise, the preferences value.
| |
EncodingTypeToXmlEncoding |
Encodings the type to encoding.
| |
FilterMatchingDbTypeConversions |
Filters the specified matching db type conversions specified as toFilter based on the specified maxlength, precision and scale.
| |
FilterOutLoadedAssemblyFileNames |
Returns a list of filenames which are not in the list of filenames of some loaded assemblies in the appdomain like
| |
GetAllForeignKeyConstraintsTargetedByModelRelationships |
Gets all foreign key constraints targeted by model relationships, grouped per group name of the elements targeting the fk constraint.
If both sides are in different groups, one is picked, as it will not matter in that case: visual grouping doesn't limit on groups, and project per group
will cause errors in that situation anyway.
| |
GetCopyPasteDataFormatString |
Gets the copy paste data format string, which contains the version number and which is used to store the copy/paste data
on the clipboard.
| |
GetFilesOfTypeFromFolders |
Gets the files matching a given type pattern from the folders specified.
| |
GetNameOrderingComparer |
Gets the name ordering comparer to be used in OrderBy calls. It relies on the preference setting 'UseCurrentCultureForNameSorting'
| |
GetOppositeRelationshipType |
Gets the opposite type of the relationship type passed in
| |
GetOwnMyDocumentsLocatedDataFolder |
Gets the 'LLBLGen Pro' folder in my documents, and creates it if it's not there. If create didn't succeed, it returns string.Empty.
| |
GetProfileRootFolder |
Gets the profile root folder.
| |
RelationshipType2String(EntityRelationshipType) |
Converts the passed in relationshiptype to string for usage in ToString() routines.
| |
RelationshipType2String(EntityRelationshipType, Boolean) |
Converts the passed in relationshiptype to string for usage in ToString() routines.
| |
SwitchOffEventRaisingForBatchTElement |
Switches off the event raising for all elements in the batch. This is done to prevent events being raised from these elements during a process
for example deleting all elements: if an element in the batch is affected by the removal of another element also in the batch, it shouldn't raise any
| |
SyncName |
Syncs the name using the renamefunc if the generated names differ and based on settings set in project/preferences