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ModelView Properties

The ModelView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCoordinatesPerEntityDefinition
Gets the coordinates per entity definition. This dictionary isn't updated in real-time, but used as a storage facility for coordinates when the modelview is viewed in a viewer and the viewer is closed: the location of the entities is then stored in this storage.
Public propertyDocumentation
Gets or sets the documentation for the modelview
Public propertyEdges
Gets the edges contained in this SubGraphView. All edges are part of this.MainGraph
(Inherited from SubGraphViewTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyError
Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object.
Public propertyInheritanceEdges
Gets all inheritance edges for the elements in this view.
Public propertyItem
Gets the String with the specified column name.
Public propertyMainGraph
Gets the main graph this SubGraphView is a view on
(Inherited from SubGraphViewTVertex, TEdge.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the model view.
Public propertyPerformFullInitialLayoutIfDisplayed
Gets a value indicating whether a full layout has to be calculated when the modelview is displayed (true) or an incremental layout (false). A full layout is issued when no stored coordinates are present.
Public propertyVertices
Gets the vertices contained in this SubGraphView. All vertices are part of this.MainGraph
(Inherited from SubGraphViewTVertex, TEdge.)
See Also