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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.MessageReporting Namespace
Public classCorrectableMessage
Class which is a special kind of message: a message which is correctable, through corrections contained in this message.
Public classCorrectableMessageList
Simple list class which takes care of binding to the OnHandled event and removing messages based on that event automatically.
Public classCorrection
Class which is used to represent a correction on a message, which for example can be a fix for an error which was detected.
Public classErrorMessage
Class which represents an error message
Public classMessage
Abstract base class which is used to define message classes for reporting a message to observers for visualization to the user. A message can be an error, warning or a normal message.
Public classMessageManager
The MessageManager class which manages message routing for the system. Use this instance to report new messages and let observers automatically get notified
Public classMessageManagerSingleton
Singleton provider class for the actual MessageManager
Public classNormalMessage
Class which represents a normal message
Public classSourceLocationData
Base class for source location data used in GoLocationFunc calls which raise GoLocationRequested events, so observers can guide users to locations where the issue to be corrected originated.
Public classWarningMessage
Class which represents a warning message