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UniqueConstraintList Properties

The UniqueConstraintList type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowEdit
Gets whether you can update items in the list.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertyAllowNew (Overrides CommandifiedListTAllowNew.)
Public propertyAllowRemove
Gets whether you can remove items from the list, using Remove(Object) or RemoveAt(Int32).
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertyCount (Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Public propertyIsSorted
Gets whether the items in the list are sorted.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Protected propertyItems (Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Public propertyNewUcFactoryFunc
Gets or sets the new uniqueconstraint factory func.
Public propertySortDirection
Gets the direction of the sort.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertySortProperty
Gets the PropertyDescriptor that is being used for sorting.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertySupportsChangeNotification
Gets whether a ListChanged event is raised when the list changes or an item in the list changes.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertySupportsSearching
Gets whether the list supports searching using the Find(PropertyDescriptor, Object) method.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertySupportsSorting
Gets whether the list supports sorting.
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Public propertySuppressEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether events are blocked from being raised (true) or not (false, default)
(Inherited from CommandifiedListT.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the IList has a fixed size.
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionTIsReadOnly (Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only.
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread safe).
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIListItem
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyICollectionSyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ICollection.
(Inherited from CollectionUniqueConstraint.)
See Also