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TypedListRelationshipEdge Properties

The TypedListRelationshipEdge type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEndVertex
Gets the end vertex of the edge.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyFullDescription
Gets the full description.
Public propertyHintForJoins
Gets or sets the hint for joins. This hint is defined as the join hint to join StartVertex to EndVertex, in the form: EndVertex JoinHint Join StartVertex.
Public propertyIsDirected
Gets a value indicating whether this edge is directed. If true, the edge is directed from startVertex to endVertex and is seen as an edge only between startVertex and endVertex, not between endVertex and startVertex. If false, this edge isn't considered a directed edge and is seen as an edge between startVertex and endVertex and also between endVertex and startVertex.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyRepresentedRelationship
Gets the represented relationship.
Public propertyRepresentedRelationshipAsString
Gets the represented relationship as string.
Public propertyStartVertex
Gets the start vertex of the edge.
(Inherited from EdgeTVertex.)
Public propertyStartVertexIsRelationshipStartVertex
Gets a value indicating whether the start vertex of this relationship is the start vertex of the represented relationship (true) or the end vertex of the represented relationship (false).
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeFullDescription
Gets the full description.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftNavigator
Gets the left navigator which is the navigator of the left side of the relationship.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftQuantifierString
Gets the left quantifier string for the relationship, e.g. if the relationshiptype is 1:n, the left quantifier is 1, the right quantifier is '*'
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeLeftVertexFullName
Gets the Full name of the left vertex of the relationship
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeModelOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is a 'model only' (true) relationship or a full relationship (false). Full relationships require a foreign key constraint in the relational model data.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRelationshipType
Gets the type of the relationship.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightNavigator
Gets the right navigator, which is the navigator of the right side of the relationship.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightQuantifierString
Gets the right quantifier string for the relationship, e.g. if the relationshiptype is 1:n, the left quantifier is 1, the right quantifier is '*'
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationshipEdgeRightVertexFullName
Gets the Full name of the right vertex of the relationship
See Also