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Framework Properties

The Framework type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataFolder
Gets or sets the data folder the files are located in.
Public propertyIsLegacy
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this framework is a legacy framework and has to be sorted as such. Default: false
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this framework definition.
Public propertySettingDefinitions
Gets or sets the setting definitions defined for this framework
Public propertySupportedDriverIDs
Gets / sets the list of supportedDriverIDs. If this list is empty, all drivers support this framework, otherwise the drivers with the specified driverids are supported.
Public propertySupportedPlatforms
Gets the list of names of the supported platforms for this framework. If this list is empty, all platforms are supported otherwise the platforms with the names specified.
Public propertySupportedTemplateGroups
Gets the list of names of the supported templategroups for this framework. If this list is empty, all templategroups are supported otherwise the templategroups with the names specified.
Public propertySystemTypeConverters
Gets or sets the system type converters defined for this framework. Key is the typeName as specified in the framework's .framework file, value is the codeGeneratorData value specified with this type converter in the framework's .framework file.
Public propertyUsedByModelType
Gets or sets the type of the model this framework is used by.
Public propertyValidatorInstance
Gets the framework validator used for framework specific validation
Public propertyValueLists
Gets or sets the value lists defined for this framework.
See Also