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SybaseAsaSpecificCreator Properties

The SybaseAsaSpecificCreator type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAliasScopes
Gets the alias scopes.
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
Public propertyCreatingSubQuery
Gets a value indicating whether the creator initiated a subquery creation. The DQE can then decide to limit the SQL emitting as some databases limit features for subqueries.
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
Public propertyFactoryToUse
Gets the DbProviderFactory instance to use.
(Overrides DbSpecificCreatorBaseFactoryToUse.)
Public propertyPerCallCatalogNameOverwrites
Gets / sets perCallCatalogNameOverwrites name pairs
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
Public propertyPerCallSchemaNameOverwrites
Gets / sets perCallSchemaNameOverwrites name pairs
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
Protected propertySetTimeoutOnCommandCreate
Gets a value indicating whether the timeout has to be set on command create.
(Inherited from DbSpecificCreatorBase.)
See Also