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GeneratorUtils.GetAllSPResultsetMappingInfos Method
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Public methodStatic memberGetAllSPResultsetMappingInfos(IGenerator)
Gets all Stored procedure resultset mapping info objects. For each stored procedure which has a resultset as target of a mapping (typedviews) it produces a StoredProcResultsetMappingInfo, which can be used to generate call information for the stored procedure to fill the types mapped onto its resultsets.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSPResultsetMappingInfos(IGenerator, String)
Gets all Stored procedure resultset mapping info objects. For each stored procedure which has a resultset as target of a mapping (typedviews) it produces a StoredProcResultsetMappingInfo, which can be used to generate call information for the stored procedure to fill the types mapped onto its resultsets.
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