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SD.Tools.Algorithmia.Graphs Namespace
Public classDepthFirstSearchCrawlerTVertex, TEdge
Basic crawler class which crawls over all vertices in the graph it is set to crawl. For every visited vertex, it will call a visit routine, which can be overriden in derived classes. Depth first search is discussed here: and it's the base for many graph known algorithms. An alternative is breadth first search, which uses a method which is non-recursive.
Public classDirectedEdgeTVertex
Class which represents a directed edge in a graph. A directed edge from A to B means A has a connection with B but B doesn't have a connection with A.
Public classDirectedGraphTVertex, TEdge
Basic class which simply makes the graph base act like a directed graph.
Public classEdgeTVertex
Class which represents an edge in a graph. It can be used for directed and non-directed edges. A directed edge from A to B means A has a connection with B but B doesn't have a connection with A.
Public classGraphBaseTVertex, TEdge
abstract base class for graphs. It can handle non-directed and directed graphs. A directed edge from A to B means that A has a connection with B, but B doesn't have a connection with A.
Public classGraphChangeEventArgsT
Class which is used to store event args in for the change event args of the graph.
Public classNonDirectedEdgeTVertex
Class which represents a non-directed edge in a graph. A non-directed edge between A and B means that the edge represents A to B but also B to A.
Public classNonDirectedGraphTVertex, TEdge
Basic class which simply makes the graph base act like a non-directed graph.
Public classSubGraphViewTVertex, TEdge
Class which represents a subgraph view on a main graph with a subset of the vertices/edges of the main graph.
Public interfaceIEdgeTVertex
Interface to be used with Edge classes in graphs.
Public interfaceIRootDetector
Simple interface which is used on the RootDetector class to be able to create multiple different typed instances in the same routine.