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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LinqSupportClasses Namespace
Public classAdapterSpecificCreator
Class which creates elements specifically for adapter, like EntityField2 objects, predicates for adapter etc. It assumes fields for predicates already have an object alias set.
Public classAliasContainer
Scope class which contains alias-memberinfo combinations for a given scope (i.e. a Select bound scope)
Public classAliasFinder
Class which is used to find all aliases in the objects to traverse. This is used to obtain all sources for a query for example.
Public classAliasUpdater
Class which is used to update a SetAlias with a new SetAlias and also update every entity field which is related to the old alias by assigning it to the new alias.
Public classDataProjectorToArrayT
Custom projector class which is used to project values to an array of type T.
Public classDataProjectorToObjectListT
Custom projector class which is used to create the final results of a valuelistprojection. THe projection is done using a compiled lambda.
Public classDataSourceT
Container class for LLBLGen Pro classes (Entities, TypedLists and TypedViews) which are through this class available in Linq queries.
Public classDataSource2T
Container class for LLBLGen Pro classes (Entities, TypedLists and TypedViews) which are through this class available in Linq queries.
Public classDataSourceBaseT
Container class for LLBLGen Pro classes (Entities, TypedLists and TypedViews) which are through this class available in Linq queries.
Public classDataSourceExtensions
Class for extension methods on datasource(2) elements.
Public classEntityFieldFinder
Simple traverser which traverses expressions and other objects to gather all field objects contained inside them. Select fields in a scalarqueryexpression are ignored, as well as fields which target the same elements as the fields in the scalar query's projection.
Public classEntityPreProjectionData
Class which contains data used in the pre-projection phase where raw data is projected to entity instances which are inserted into the array which is handled by the real projector lambda. used in objectlist projections where entities are returned as values in the returned object.
Public classEntityProjectionDefinition
Projection definition for a projection of entity data. This is equal to a normal entity fetch
Public classFunctionMappingsContainer
Simple class which is used to store the function mapping stores so they can be passed around.
Public classInMemoryCandidateAttribute
Attribute which defines whether a method call is an in-memory candidate, so the in-memory candidate finder knows whether to in-line it or ignore it and leave it to the function mapper.
Public classLinqConstants
Constants to use in the Linq provider sourcecode.
Public classLinqUtils
Class which embeds utility methods for linq support
Public classLLBLGenProProvider
Selfservicing specific LLBLGenPro Linq provider class.
Public classLLBLGenProProvider2
Adapter specific LLBLGenPro Linq provider class.
Public classLLBLGenProProviderBase
Abstract base class for llblgen pro providers for Linq.
Public classLLBLGenProQueryT
Generic query class which is returned from the Linq query source's CreateQuery method. This object is the result of the linq statement in C#/VB.NET code and which is the start point of the actual expression tree evaluation and execution.
Public classMappingTracker
Class which is used to store various mappings between objects in various formats. These mappings are used to find back the aliases for objects, objects tied to aliases, etc. etc.
Public classNestedQuerySpecification
Simple class which contains a nested query specification inside a ValueListProjectionDefinition.
Public classORMClassExtensions
Extensin method class for classes in the ORMSupportClasses.
Public classPathEdgeTEndNode
Class to specify a path edge. These edges are used to specify a prefetch path inside a linq query.
Public classPredicateWithAliasFinder
Class which is used to find all predicates and the aliases they contain in the predicate/expresison to traverse.
Public classProjectionDefinition
Abstract base class of a projection definition. A projection definition defines the destination of the data, the projection result and, if required, the
Public classPropagatedRelationRemover
Simple traverser which removes the specified relationships from relationcollections in the graph traversed. Used when a relationship is moved to an outer scope.
Public classQueryableExtension
Async variants of Queryable extension methods found in .NET BCL. We re-implement them, as IQueryProvider doesn't have a ExecuteAsync(Of T) method, so Microsoft didn't implement these in the BCL. We only re-implemented scalar / single value methods here and ToList variants in async form, and only those our linq provider supports.
Public classQueryableExtensionMethods
Class for the LLBLGen Pro extension methods for Queryable.
Public classSelfServicingSpecificCreator
Class which creates elements specifically for selfservicing, like EntityField objects, predicates for selfservicing etc. It assumes fields for predicates already have an object alias set.
Public classSetAlias
Class which is used to define an alias for SetExpressions.
Public classValueListProjectionDefinition
Projection definition for a projection of a list of data of one or more columns into a list of values or a set of objects.
Public interfaceIDataSource
Interface which is implemented by the DataSource(2)(Of T) classes, and which is used to access the datasource objects without the generic parameter.
Public interfaceILinqMetaData
Interface which is implemented on the LinqMetaData class in the generated code.
Public interfaceILLBLGenProQuery
Interface which is implemented on LLBLGenProQuery(Of T), which is the type of the object returned from the construction of a linq query with the LLBLGenPro meta data as source. This interface can be used to execute the query without the enumerator retrieval.
Public interfaceIPathEdge
Interface for the edge list of WithPath and PathEdge ctor.
Public interfaceIPathEdgeParserTSource, TDestination
Interface with methods for doing more complex work with prefetch path
Public interfaceIPathEdgeRootParserTSource
Interface containing the 'core' methods of a lambda-based prefetch path.
Public interfaceIRelationPropagator
Interface which is used on expression classes which propagate a set of relations upwards which once belonged to elements inside the implementing object.
Public interfaceITemplateGroupSpecificCreator
Interface which defines a creator which is specific for a template group, e.g. selfservicing or adapter. It creates elements which are specific for these template groups.
Public delegateCorrelationFilterFunc
Delegate which is used to compile an in-memory lambda to which is used to compare parent rows with child rows in nested-query executions. The lambda looks like: (parentValues, childValues) => LinqUtils.ValuesAreEqual(parentValues[parentFieldIndex], childValues[childFieldIndex]);
Public delegateObjectCreatorFuncTObject
Delegate which is used to create new instances of an object based on a type, and which is much faster than Activator.CreateInstance
Public enumerationHandlerState
Enum to specify the handler phase name. Used to store evaluation results
Public enumerationLikeOperation
The like operation definition to use in the LikeExpression. It defines what to do with the operand: both sides a '%', only the start or only the end.
Public enumerationLLBLGenProExpressionType
Expression type enum which is used
Public enumerationProjectionType
Type of projection represented by the ProjectionDefinition instance. The enum is an easier way to determine what projection is used.
Public enumerationSetContentsKind
the set destination kind, what kind of contents is inside the set. this is used to define the projection
Public enumerationStandardOperatorType
Enum to specify the type of the standard operator which call was seen in the expression. This enum is used by the general handler for these method calls to convert them into unary or binary expressions.