Generated code - Using the entity collection classes, SelfServicing


Per entity definition in a project, LLBLGen Pro will generate an entity collection class. This class is used to work on more than one entity at the same time and it is used to retrieve more than one entity of the same type from the database. This section describes the different kinds of functionality bundled in the collection classes and how to utilize that functionality in your code.

Entity retrieval into an entity collection object

Entity collection objects can be filled with entities retrieved from the database using several ways. Below we'll walk you through the ones you will use the most.
Using a query

Querying for a set of entities and fetch them into an EntityCollection<T> can be done in several ways. Below we'll fetch all Customer instances which match the filter Country=='Germany'. This is illustrated using three different queries: one using our low-level native Api, one using our QuerySpec API and one using Linq to LLBLGen Pro. When using QuerySpec or Linq to LLBLGen Pro, be sure to have the correct namespaces included in your code file.

// QuerySpec, C#
var customers = new CustomerCollection();
var qf = new QueryFactory();
var q = qf.Customer.Where(CustomerFields.Country == "Germany");
Using a related entity
The easiest way to retrieve a set of entities in an entity collection class, is by using a related entity, which in turn is used as a filter. For example, let's use our user "CHOPS" again and let's retrieve all the order entities for that customer:

// [C#]
CustomerEntity customer = new CustomerEntity("CHOPS");	// fetches the entity with pk 'CHOPS'
OrderCollection orders = customer.Orders;		// Lazy-loads the related orders

The entity inside 'customer' is used to filter the orders in the persistent storage and retrieve them as entity instances in the OrderCollection 'orders'. The collection is filled internally by calling an overloaded version of customer.GetMultiOrders(). That method will do the actual retrieval. You can call GetMultiOrders() yourself directly too:

// [C#]
CustomerEntity customer = new CustomerEntity("CHOPS");	// fetches the entity with pk 'CHOPS'
OrderCollection orders = customer.GetMultiOrders(false);

'false/False' is passed in as parameter, which tells GetMultiOrders to fetch the entities from the persistent storage if the orders for this customer aren't already fetched, and just return the collection if the orders are already fetched. This is called lazy loading or Load on demand, since the collection of orders is loaded when you ask for it, not when the customer is loaded. When you specify true/True, GetMultiOrders() will refetch the related order entities even if the orders were already fetched. This can be handy if you want to refresh the set of orders in a customer you hold in memory. This is called a forced fetch.

In our example of Customer and an Orders collection, the CustomerEntity has a property called AlwaysFetchOrders. Default for this property is 'false'. Setting this property to to true, will load the related entity each time you access the property. The aformentioned forced fetch is different from AlwaysFetchFieldMappedOnRelation in that a forced fetch will clear the collection first, while AlwaysFetchFieldMappedOnRelation does not. A forced fetch will thus remove new entities added to the collection from that collection as these are not yet stored in the database.

To apply sorting and a maximum number of items to return for every time you do customer.Orders for that particular customer object, you can set the sortclauses and the maximum number of entities to return by calling customer.SetCollectionParametersOrders():

// [C#]
CustomerEntity customer = new CustomerEntity("CHOPS");
ISortExpression sorter = new SortExpression(OrderFields.OrderDate | SortOperator.Descending);
customer.SetCollectionParametersOrders(10, sorter);
OrderCollection orders = customer.GetMultiOrders(false);

Now a call to GetMultiOrders or customer.Orders (which is used in databinding scenarios also) will sort the orders on OrderDate, descending and will return a maximum of 10 order entities.

If Order is in an inheritance hierarchy, the fetch is polymorphic. This means that if the customer entity, in this case customer "CHOPS", has references to instances of different derived types of Order, every instance in customer.Orders is of the type it represents, which effectively means that not every instance in Orders is of the same type. See for more information about polymorphic fetchs also Polymorphic fetches.
Using a prefetch path
An easy way to retrieve a set of entities can be by using a Prefetch Path, to read related entities together with the entity or entities to fetch. See for more information about Prefetch Paths and how to use them: Prefetch Paths.

Entity data manipulation using collection classes

When you have fetched a set of entities in a collection and for example have bound this collection to a grid, the user probably has altered one or more entity's fields in the collection. When you want to save these changes to the persistent storage, the easiest way to do so is to use the collection's SaveMulti() method. This method traverses all objects inside the collection and  if the object is dirty, (which means, it's been changed and should be updated in the persistent storage) it is saved. The complete save action is done in a single transaction if no transaction is currently available, otherwise the action is performed inside the existing transaction. (See for more information about transactions the section Transactions).

Entity collections support saving entities recursively, as discussed in Saving entities recursively section in Using the entity classes. Just pass true for the recurse parameter in one of SaveMulti()'s overloads and all entities are saved recursively. 
Deleting one or more entities from the persistent storage
To delete a set of entities from the persistent storage, you can use the collection's DeleteMulti() method to achieve your goal. This method works with the objects inside the collection and deletes them one by one from the persistent storage inside a transaction if no transaction is currently available, otherwise the action is performed inside the existing transaction. (See for more information about transactions the section Transactions). 

note Note:
DeleteMulti(*) is not supported for entities which are in a hierarchy of type TargetPerEntity. This is by design, as the delete action isn't possible in one go with proper checks due to referential integrity issues.

Client side sorting

The entity collections don't implement IBindingList, as the entity collections use EntityView<T> classes to bind to grids and other controls and let these views do the filtering and sorting of the entity collection data. It's recommended you use an EntityView<T> class to sort and filter an entity collection instead of using the Sort() methods directly on an entity collection. See for more information about EntityView<T> classes: Generated code - using entity views with entity collections.

As entity collections implement IEnumerable<T> you can also use Linq to Objects to sort and filter the entities inside the collection. With both methods (EntityView and Linq to Objects) the data inside the collection isn't altered nor sorted.

Hierarchical projections of entity collections

LLBLGen Pro allows you to create projections of the full graph of all the entities inside a given entity collection onto a DataSet or a Dictionary object. A hierarchical projection is a projection where all entities in the entity collection plus all their related entities and so on, are grouped together per entity type. Say you have the following graph in memory: a set of CustomerEntity instances, which contain each a set of OrderEntity instances and each OrderEntity instance refers to an EmployeeEntity instance. This projection functionality is implemented on the entity collection class, in the method CreateHierarchicalProjection.

With LLBLGen Pro it's possible to project this graph onto a DataSet which will result in per entity type a new DataTable object with all instances of that entity type (and the data relations setup correctly). You can also project it onto a Dictionary with per entity type an entity collection which contains the entities of that type. Projections are defined in instances of the IViewProjectionData interface which is implemented in the ViewProjectionData class. This class combines per type projections (as shown below in the example) which are then used as one projection on the complete graph.

By default, when projecting to a DataSet, only the entity types which have instances in the graph get a DataTable in the resulting DataSet. If you want to have a DataSet where there are always an expected number of DataTable instances (so for entities which aren't in the graph, they're empty), you can pre-create the DataSet and pass the pre-created DataSet to the projection routine. LLBLGen Pro's runtime library contains helper routines to produce an empty DataSet with empty DataTables, the correct columns and the proper DataRelation objects setup based on a prefetch path specified. Please consult the LLBLGen Pro Reference Manual for the GeneralUtils class' ProduceEmptyDataSet and ProduceEmptyDataTable routines.
The following examples will show you both projections (to DataSet and to Dictionary) of the earlier described graph of customers - Orders - Employees. The examples will first fetch the complete graph of customers, orders and employees and will then create a projection of that graph. Usage of custom projections per property and additional filters is also shown by the examples. Please refer to the LLBLGen Pro reference manual for details about the generic ViewProjectionData class and its constructors. The queries are using the low-level API, but you can also use Linq to LLBLGen Pro or QuerySpec for these queries.

   Projection to DataSet

The same projectors as used with the projection to the DataSet are usable with a projection to a Dictionary, which is almost equal to the DataSet example.

   Projection to Dictionary

note Note:
If you just want a structure with per entity type a collection with all the instances of that type in the entity graph, so not really a projection to new copies of the entities, please use the routine ObjectGraphUtils.ProduceCollectionsPerTypeFromGraph. The ObjectGraphUtils class is located in the ORMSupportClasses namespace and contains a variety of routines working on entity graphs. Please see the LLBLGen Pro reference manual for details on this class and this method.

Tracking entity remove actions

Removing an entity from a collection by calling entitycollection.Remove(toRemove) or entitycollection.RemoveAt(index) is an ambiguous action: do you want to remove the entity from the collection to further process the entities left, or do you want to get rid of the entity completely, both in-memory and also in the database? This is the reason why LLBLGen Pro doesn't perform deletes on the database automatically if you remove an entity from a collection, you have to explicitly specify what entities to remove.

Tracking which entities are removed from an entity collection to be removed from the database can be a bit cumbersome if the collection is bound to a grid for example. To overcome this, LLBLGen Pro has a feature which makes an entity collection track the entities removed from it by using another entity collection. This way, you can keep track of which entities are removed from the entity collection and pass them on to a Unit of work object for persistence in one transaction together with the rest of the entities which have changed.

The extra collection is necessary because an entity which is removed from the collection isn't there anymore, so it can't be referred to by the collection itself. To enable removal tracking in an entity collection, set its RemovedEntitiesTracker property to a collection into which you want to track the removed entities from the collection. This collection can then be added to a UnitOfWork object for deletion by using the method unitofwork.AddCollectionForDelete(collectionWithEntitiesToDelete) or you can delete the entities by calling entitycollection.DeleteMulti() on the entity collection with the tracked removed entities.

The following example illustrates this.

// C#
// First fetch all customers from Germany with their orders. 
CustomerCollection customers = new CustomerCollection();
PrefetchPath path = new PrefetchPath(EntityType.CustomerEntity);
customers.GetMulti(CustomerFields.Country == "Germany", path);

// we now will add a tracker collection to the orders collection of customer 0.
OrderCollection tracker = new OrderCollection();
customers[0].Orders.RemovedEntitiesTracker = tracker;

// after this, we can do this:

// and myOrder is removed from the in-memory collection customers[0].Orders
// and it's placed in tracker. We can now delete the entities in tracker
// by using a UnitOfWork object or by calling tracker.DeleteMulti().

note Note:
Tracking removal of an entity isn't used by the Clear() method, because Clear is often used to clean up a collection and not to remove entities from the database, so to avoid false positives and the deletion of entities which weren't suppose to be deleted, removal tracking isn't available for the Clear method.

LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v3.5 documentation. ©2012 Solutions Design bv