Quick Model Editor
The Quick Model Editor is an editor to quickly specify definitions for
relationships, entities and fields using a simple text DSL. You specify
simple facts in text on a single line which are then processed and used to
create a new element or execute a command. The Quick Model editor is
especially designed for quickly logging information during interviews with
domain experts. The editor has its own visual model viewer, which contains
all entities mentioned during the session which also helps you get an
overview of what the statements you enter do to the model: you can see your
model evolve in front of you.
All elements created are directly created in the project and therefore
you can undo your additions / changes by using the normal undo/redo
procedure (Cntrl-shift-Z and Cntrl-shift-Y).
The Quick Model editor is opened by selecting Project -> Quick Model
Editor from the main menu or by clicking the Quick Model button on the
toolbar. The Quick Model editor consists of three parts:
- The large editor canvas which is a
ModelViewer and which shows the entities mentioned in statements
- The command area with the display of the active scope and the
Command input, which is the text editor area to specify
statements. Statements are specified using a simple text based DSL,
which is described below.
- The log area, which displays errors found in the statements entered
or remarks about which elements were created, updated or removed.
Text based DSL
The idea of Quick Model is that the line entered is a description of a
fact or a command to manipulate some element in the model. It's a simple editor
which can aid users to define model elements which can then be refined with
the other editors.
Syntaxis, rules
The quick model editor uses the following rules for its Text based DSL:
- A line can either be the description of an element in the current scope, or a command
- Commands starts with '#'
- If a referenced element doesn't exist, it's created
- When Enter is pressed, the line is parsed and executed. If an error occurs, the
error is reported and the line is not executed further
- Statements work by default on the Active scope, unless a name
is fully specified.
Syntaxis, names
A name (e.g. a name of an entity) can have one of the following
S1 |
Element with name S1 within current scope's group, or sub
element with name S1 within current scope's groupname:elementname
S1:S2 |
Element with name S2 in group S1 |
S2 |
Sub element with name S3 in element S2 in current scope's group
:S2.S3 |
Sub element with name S3 in element S2 in empty group |
:S2 |
Element with name S2 in empty group |
S1:S2.S3 |
Sub element with name S3 in element S2 in group S1 |
S1: |
Group S1 |
Syntaxis, commands
The following commands are recognized (all commands start with a '#'
- #d name
Delete element. This command deletes element with
the name name. Which element is referred to by name depends on the
active scope
- #mg name group
Move element to group. The element with
name name is moved to the group specified. Name can only
be a value type or entity and group has to be a valid group name
- #ms subtype supertype inheritancetype
Make subtype
a sub-type of super-type supertype. Both subtype and
supertype can only be entities. Inheritancetype can be either
tpe or tph and is optional.
- #e name
Create entity. An alternative way to create an
entity definition, with name name
- #v name
Create value type. As all element creation without
commands suggests entities, the way to create a value type is through
this command: creates a new valuetype with name name.
- #r name name2
Rename element. Renames element with name
name to the name name2. Element can be field, entity or
valuetype. If the current group name differs from the new group name
specified in name2, the group is changed for the element, as well
as its name. If the name refers to a field, only the field is renamed,
despite the fact that entity/group name might be different.
- #u name
Update scope. Updates the active scope with the
name name. This could mean: set the active scope to the name
specified if the name is an absolute name, or dig deeper into the active
scope by adding name to the active scope.
- #u-
Update scope by going up. Updates the active scope by
removing the deepest scope level from the active scope. If the active
scope was already at group level, the new scope will become the empty
group, the start scope.
There are also some commands which are only for the model view area of
the Quick Model editor:
- #rgl
Reset graph layout. This layouts the entire graph
again, so vertices and edges
- #rll
Reset link layout. This layouts the links in the graph, so
leaves vertices as-is
- #cm
Clear model view. This clears the model view and gives the
user a clean slate.
- #cv
Center model view. This centers the view of the model view.
Creating Entities fields and relationships
To create an entity with the name Customer, you simply type
Customer in the command area and press Enter. If the current scope is an
entity, the name has to be a full name (with group) otherwise the name is
considered an element in the current scope, i.e. a field, and a field is
created instead. The following directives are usable to create the various
- Name
This creates a new element with name Name in the
current scope, and it depends on the current scope what element is
created. If the current scope is a group, a new entity is created within
that group. If the scope is an entity or value type, a new field is
created with no type information.
- Name type typespec * null
This creates a new field in the
entity or value type which is the current scope or a field in the
element specified with the full name if the name is a full name,
or if the field already exists, it updates the field. Type, Typespec,
* and null are optional arguments and can be specified in any
order. Their meaning is described below
- Type
This is a type shortcut name or a value type name. It's
the type of the field
- Typespec
This is the type specification for the type, which
is either (integer) to specify length or (integer, integer)
to specify precision and scale.
- *
This is a marker to specify that the field is part of the
identifying fields.
- Null
This is a marker to specify that the field is optional /
- Name1 RelationshipType Name2 mo
This creates a new normal
relationship, with the relationship type between Name1 and
Name2. Name1 and Name2 are either navigator
specifications in-scope or full navigator specifications (with entity
names) or just entity names if no navigators are required. Relationshiptype
can be one of the following: m1, 11 or 1n,
which creates resp. a many to one, one to one or a one to many
relationship. The suffix mo is optional and specifies whether the
relationship is model-only or not. When mo isn't
specified, the relationship is seen as a relationship which isn't
model-only and thus requires a backing Foreign Key constraint.
It's key to use the right scope to be really productive, so use the #u
command often to switch from scope to scope. This way it's easier to type
names, as you then don't have to specify the group name part or the entity
name part. It's also important to remember that you can undo any change you
made, by simply pressing cntrl-shift-Z, so it's not harmful to experiment
with statements.
It's in general quicker to specify the relations first. By doing that you
already mention the entities and these are then created as well. For example
the statement Customer.Orders 1n Order.Customer creates two entities
and 1 relationship, and it also defines the navigators for both entities for
this relationship.
After entities have been created, you can then set the scope to one
entity and specify the fields. As relationships are already setup by then,
the FK fields are created automatically from the PK fields once the PK
fields have been specified.