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Code Generation Configurator, Task Queue to Execute Tab

The Task queue to execute tab is the tab where you select and define the different tasks which should be executed during code generation. At the top of the Task queue to execute tab, you're able to select your preset of choice. A preset, is a definition of a run queue, with tasks and task groups in the right order, with the right values for the task parameters.

You can create new presets if you like, by simply clicking the New... button or by changing an existing preset and then by clicking the Save As... button to save it under a different name. The shipped presets are sealed. This means that LLBLGen Pro doesn't let you alter them through the GUI to avoid you overwriting the shipped presets by mistake.

Task / Task group basics

When you select a task group in the run queue (task groups have a blue color and a different icon, and are used to group tasks together), you'll see the Selected task / task group information below the run queue. This area allows you to specify additional parameters for the selected task or task group. Which elements are editable for a task or task group is described below.

Editable task group information

The following elements are available for the task group:

General Information:

Additional Parameters:

Editable task information

The following elements are available for the task:

General Information:

Task Performer Parameters
By selecting a task in the run queue you can change its parameters in the Selected task information. Which parameters are available depends on the task and the associated Task performer class. You can see which task performer class is associated with a task by expanding the task node in the run queue. In general you don't need to alter parameters, or add tasks to use LLBLGen Pro as the shipped presets are enough to generate code. Most task parameters are straight forward. When you select a parameter in the Parameters grid, the bottom Description area shows the description of the selected parameter so you know what to specify as a value.

Modifying the Run queue / Preset

The run queue, the queue of tasks which will be executed when you click Start generator, enlists the tasks in a top-down fashion so the tasks at the top of the queue will be executed first. There are several ways to change the run queue of a given preset. First of all, you can add new tasks or task groups to the run queue. To do so, first select the task or task group in the run queue which will mark the position where the newly added tasks will be inserted. Then you click the Add Tasks button. This will bring up the task picker with all tasks and task groups available for the target framework and .NET version chosen. Check the checkboxes of all tasks / task groups you want to insert. The tasks will be added with their default parameters. You might want to alter these, please see 'Task Performer Parameters' above for details on that.

To remove a task or task group, select the task or task group to remove in the run queue tree and then click the Remove button. An alternative to removing a task is disabling a task by unchecking its Is Enabled checkbox. To change the order in which tasks are executed, you can use the Move up and Move down buttons. These work on the selected task or taskgroup.

To merge another preset with the one loaded in the run queue, at the spot currently selected, click the Merge preset button. A dialog will pop up with a drop-down list with all the presets you can merge at that spot. By clicking OK, the preset you've selected will be merged at the spot you had selected in the run queue. Merge preset is a quick way to create copies of presets.

LLBLGen Pro Designer v3.1 documentation. ©2002-2011 Solutions Design