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Project Explorer

The project explorer is the central viewer of the elements in your LLBLGen Pro project and the entrance point to for performing actions on these elements. You can compare it with the 'Solution Explorer' in visual studio. In v3, LLBLGen Pro has a project explorer which is multi-selection aware and offers a rich feature set per node through context menus.

The main parts of the project explorer are explained below:

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer

The main Project Explorer elements

The following main elements are available in the Project Explorer.

The Project Explorer isn't the only viewer of project information, the Catalog Explorer is equally important, for viewing and interacting with the Relational Model Data available to you in the project.

Every node in the Project Explorer, if applicable, has a context menu which offers functionality on that node or a group of selected nodes of that same type (e.g. a selected set of entity definition nodes).

LLBLGen Pro Designer v3.0 documentation. ©2002-2010 Solutions Design